
What is the fear of skunks called?

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I'm terrified of skunks and spent forever looking online to find what the fear of skunks is called. HELP!




  1. skunk phobia, :D

  2. Skunk Phobia....Skunkiphene

  3. Good question. I tried searching and wasn't able to come up with anything which leads me to believe that its simply called a Skunk Phobia.

  4. Skunk phobia

  5. skunkshaire( it is a phobia and nothing more).

  6. fear mongering it means the skunks naturall reaction is to spay stink gas on who its afraid from or skunk phene

  7. Phobias are usually named using the Latin name for something with -phobia put on the end. I would say it would be called Mephitiphobia because they belong to the family Mephitidae. But if the Latin word for skunk is something besides "mephitis" then it would be that word with -ophobia added to it.

  8. as opposed to the people that like skunks ?

  9. SkunkoPhobia


  10. Common sense.

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