
What is the first thing you do when you got pregnant and not yet ready?

by Guest57162  |  earlier

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What is the first thing you do when you got pregnant and not yet ready?




  1. Ask questions, prepare yourself to be the best parent your child could ever have.

  2. Stop being negative and think about all the people in the world that would love to have children and can't... Feel blessed that you've been given this in life, and once you hear the tiny heartbeat or see that little blob on the ultrasound - Your views change; it's not longer something "unwanted" it's the things that dreams are made of.

  3. Prepare to grow up very fast and to spend the rest of your teen years as a adult.

  4. You grow up, and YOU GET READY.

  5. Tell your parents!

    consider your options!

  6. Don't listen to the nasty comments posted--they were all having s*x at your age and never got preg so they have no clue--hold your head up high and realize you are a not any different than anyone else--they are throwing stones in glass house--insecure people--you are not as trying to do the best thing.  I was there.

    Well obviously tell your parents if you can or the closest adult--maybe you school social worker once school starts as is summer.  What is your age?  I had my daughter when just turned 17 and totally not ready--but my parents supported me and kept her and she is 19 now.  Saying that I gave up alot of what I wanted to do in life--so happy to have her now but my life did not turn out how I wanted--yes selfish--but you need somone to give you the facts now---not being what people want to hear.   You need to see who will be supporting you financially and emotionally if you keep the baby.  Trust your heart--open-adoption is a great choice--you will get pics and get to interact with the child as he/she gets older.  DO what you feel is best--I am sure you are young and also can terminate--but that really will haunt you.  9 months isn't that long in ones life--if that is your choice will be hard but doesn't make you a bad person.

    If I were you talk to the closest adult and make the right choice for you--don't let anyone influence you-your family may say to keep the baby but you will be the one rasing him/her and if not ready don't take it on--maybe your parents will want to raise him/her til you are ready--make sure they are clear on the fact that you are free from raising the baby if their decision to raise him/her--that will be hard too-but a hard choice--up to you--you now have to make decisions way beyond your years as I did.  You can contact me if you need to talk--

  7. yu shooda thought abt that before you had s*x

    but now all u can do

    is get ready


  8. go to the doctor and get vitamins to help you

    read and watch informative videos

    when the time comes don't do anything to strenuous

    eat healthy/ or start

    no foreign substances or anything like that

    you begin to get ready on your own, it just -- happens.

  9. The child will organize your life for you.  Yes, get ready.

  10. hit up your local bookstore or library!

  11. Buy a cat and start training.

  12. If not financially ready, I would apply for Medicaid and WIC, so that person can have a healthy pregnancy including medical care and nutritional benefits.

    That person may also want to find a job if they don't have one already.

    If not mentally ready, I would suggest talking to someone they can confide in, perhaps a counselor or family member.\

    Another thing to do is purchase some books on pregnancy and childcare, to help prepare for the road ahead.

    Taking prenatal vitamins daily is also very important.

  13. go to planned parenthood to discuss options, then make a choice. either abortion if you somehow cant handle being pregnant, adoption if you want to see the baby go to ready parents or you can go into maternal mood and keep it, adoption is the most reasonable thing to do if youre not ready.

  14. That's why pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks---so that you can   get your butt ready.

    The first thing to do is to tell everyone else who needs to adjust & get ready..

  15. Well you have 9 months to get ready for the baby :) a whole new life i new start a new human .. Think about the fact that the tiny fetus in you is your life and when he or she is born you will feel a love like no other :) and get ready for the most amazing experience of your  life

  16. the first and last is...

    get ready

  17. Buy books about pregnancy, get prenatal care, talk to counselors, talk, and ask your family for help, get a job, get medical insurance, talk to the baby daddy, buy diapers, get plenty of sleep, you think pregnancy is hard, raising the child is harder.

    But...You were ready to have s*x, you should have been ready to wear a sponge, have him were a condom, and then when having s*x you should always be ready for consequences.

  18. Ask on Yahoo! Answers if you should tell your parents.

  19. OK...Consider your options you have 3.




                              Good Luck

  20. When you first go to the doctor they should give u out so free books and in those books they should have little papers in them and u fill those out and you will get alot of information on that. If not go to the library and read. It really does teach you how to be a good parent.

  21. Accept the 3 A's in becoming a young parent




    Also learn now not to spread your legs till your older and married !!!!

  22. Start preparing yourself.  Read, ask questions, watch informative videos.

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