
What is the first thing you need to know when learning how to surf?

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What is the first thing you need to know when learning how to surf?




  1. Don't listen to any of the morons who answered your very good question EXCEPT the guy who calls himself "J". He is absolutely correct. Study the ocean, how it works, how it changes. Master your surroundings and know your place. Find the local spot where others are learning as well. DO NOT go out and mix with the advanced crowd. You might hurt yourself or even worse, someone else. Watch and learn from that crowd from the beach. Start slow, and you be that much wiser, skilled, safer, and you'll have a lot more fun! That's what we're out there to do anyway, right? Happy hunting. Don't forget... keep those knees bent when your on your feet and your feet together when your on your belly. Mahalo.

  2. Three things you learn before surfing:

    1. Learn how to respect the power of the ocean

    2. Learn how to not endanger others

    3. Learn how to keep yourself safe

    The bottom line here is you need to learn about ocean safety.

  3. You need to get into shape and you need to learn the etiquette of surfing.

    To get into shape I'd recommend push ups or bench presses to get your pecs in shape so you can push yourself up to stand, and pull ups or lat pulls to strengthen your lats for paddling.

    You can also work on improving your balance by using an Indo Board:

    As far as etiquette, don't get in other people's way, (it's rude as well as dangerous)! Hang onto your board - just because you have a leash doesn't mean it can't hit someone!

    Here's a great article I always recommend to beginners called "Learn How To Surf In One Day":

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. How to get to a shop to buy a board!

  5. how to swim, paddle, get up. and you need to know what to do if you're in a rip current, or if there are big waves etc. yeah, then surfing gets fun!!!

  6. if you see a big gray dorsal fin sticking out of the water...swim away as fast as you can

  7. Learn the "rules" of the ocean.  For example, rip tides, currents, where the dangerous parts of reef may be.  Surfing is really fun...but there is much more you need to know than just how to catch a wave or how to balance...and if you don't know these could cost you your life.

  8. first, be in good physical shape and be confident in your swimming abilities.

    improve your balance and be prepared to practice and sometimes fall off your board. but it's all part of the learning process. be open to learning new things.

    know the un-spoken rules of local surf breaks, respect other surfers as well as the ocean.

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