
What is the first thing you would do?

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if you win the lottery tonight?

all i'm asking is the first heath of the moment ! this kind of action you don't need to use the maney this is you and a good news with a good reaction to it hey i only win £5000 and nearlly run over




  1. I would give some to my favourite charity  and then a holiday and some to my son the rest would go into my bank and i would live on the interests

  2. pay my debt, buy new car

  3. OMG. Then hug my hubby

  4. I'd throw the alarm clock off the nearest cliff, and "lie in" for at least a week whilst the interest grew.

    I had to laugh at Kloot&aboot's answer. Talk about pot calling kettle black? He spelt "where"wrong, and the lack of basic punctuation made his answer almost unreadable!!!!!

  5. I would fall of the face of the earth until the money was all secure and I had a will in place. I would then pay off my house..put aside money for my kids, then take a portion of it and divide it up between family and some very close friends.I would make sure everyone in my family was comfortable for a good long time ..especially in this economy..maybe pay for a family vacation with everyone. invest the rest.

  6. I'd have a large Scotch just to get over the shock.....

  7. Switch my alarm clock of and think f*ck work.

  8. wow, I always think about this!

    I would pay off my bills, give money to my friends who really needed it (to pay off their bills etc) then I would go shopping, I would give a LOT to my parents so that they could retire, and then put MOST away.

  9. past out with the shock

  10. first pay my mortgage off, then put so much in a trust account for the kids, then have a great Holiday with my family.

    as well give some to the cancer foundation.and invest the money and live of the interest

  11. Well, I would put it in a bank account and continue with my normal life. I might give more to charity and buy nicer things than I can afford now, but I wouldn't make a big hoopla out of it.

  12. plan my resignation speech for tuesday...

  13. go on holiday and give to animals

  14. If i understood what you were saying i could answer your question, were you from anyway boy mexico.

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