
What is the first word you think of when you see this picture?

by  |  earlier

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  1. fun lol idk its weird but thats the first thing that came to my mind.

  2. ewwwwwwwwwww....

    no offense, that is the first word comes out of my head.

    1. the lady in the photo looks so tired with her black eyes, which is somewhat scary.

    2. the cat has black and white furs, which makes it seems somewhat dirty.

    3. the room... she needs to clean that room.  

  3. kitty haha lol no i think of a laid back type of women that loves music

  4. Not a word, but a phrase:

    Hey I recognize that girl. Her girlfriend posted a question asking how old she looked a while ago..

    Go memory!

  5. Happy cat person who needs to comb her hair???

  6. Purple

  7. messy

  8. a   fun  spontaneous  party  girl   who's  ready  2  show  her  moves  like me

  9. teeeeeth

  10. unique sense of style and smiles.

  11. adorable

  12. happy

  13. I think what a beautiful smile!


  14. HAIR!

  15. ugly hair

  16. Pretty girl

  17. Sweet freakin wristband lol. I have one just like it =D

  18. Person needs to fix their hair >>;;

  19. Cool hair.

  20. wild-thing

  21. real smile !!! gr8 2 c.... And is that Joe's (friends) penguin in the background???

  22. That kitty needs to be brushed!

  23. When i saw this the first thing i ssaid was that looks like lizzy(my friend)

    cute picture  

  24. drug-addict  

  25. cute kitty

  26. Cool picture. Cool cat. Awesome look.

  27. Punk rocker.

  28. 8th grade--not because of the way you look by any means whatsoever, but because i wore a wristband just like that one all throughout my 8th grade year.  the things i'm remembering now that i'm off to college...

  29. I like your other pictures of yourself a lot more... idk why you picked this one.

    Linking to a photobucket picture means someone can easily see all your photos if they delete the extension on web address of the singular photograph.  All it takes is a tiny bit of internet skillz.  Just saying..

  30. kitty

  31. hot



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