
What is the formula of the efficiency of gaz turbines?

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What is the formula of the efficiency of gaz turbines?




  1. The simplest formula for efficiency of a thermodynamic system is this:

    Work Done by System / Work (Energy) input into System.

    From that you have to go through and figure out which devices in the system are adding energy to the system and which are expending the energy. In this case, the turbine:

    Energy out/Energy in X 100% = % efficiency.

  2. the answer (output / input )is right but since ur finding the efficiency of the gas turbine you should find out the corrected gross out.

    For example if the ambient temp is more say35 degree ur power output will be less because of low air density.if ur ambient temp is low say 20 degree ur output will be higher because of increase in air density. in both cases the gas turbine is same but 2 different condition so we have to find out the correction factor for temp and multiply with the output to get the corrected power output.In the same manner there are correction factors for grid frequency disturbance,inlet airfilter,inlet pressure all  these factors have to be considered.

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