
What is the formula to convert swim competition times from a 25 meter pool to a 25 yard pool?

by Guest44721  |  earlier

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I will also need the formula to convert long-course swim times to short course swim times.




  1. I usually type it into this website

    Works pretty good, I don't know the actual mathmatic formula, but I swim practice during short course yard season in short course meters, and whenever we do stuff for time, people usually say its about 8 secs per hundred in short course meters, but that's not exact.  Good Luck.

  2. 1 metre = 3.3 feet

    1 yard = 3 feet

    Times for 25 yards should therefore be quicker than for 25 metres.

    To convert a time for a yards swim to metres multiply by 1.1

    To convert a time for a metres swim to yards divide by 1.1

    e.g. if a 25 metre swim were to take 16 secs then swimming 25 yards (6.25 feet shorter) should take only 14.5 secs

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