
What is the formula to find length and weight of a steel coil.?

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I have 46 Galvinized steel coils that I need to verify the weight and length of metal in the coil.




  1. 1. Measure the inside and outside diameter of the coil then calculate the area of the coil:

    A = pi( Do^2 - Di^2)/4


    A  = the area of the coil in

    Do = outside diameter of the coil in inches

    Di = inside diameter of the coil

    2. Divide the area by the thickness of the sheet. the value obtained is the length of the metal in the coil in inches

    L = A/t


    L = length of the metal in inches

    t = thickness of the sheet in inches

    3. Convert the length of the metal to feet by dividing it by 12. then multiply the obtained value by the width of the sheet in feet.

    As = (L/12) x W


    As = area of the sheet in square feet

    L = length obtained from step 2 in inches

    W = the width of the sheet in feet

    The unit weight  1 inch thick steel sheet is 40.8 lbs/sq.ft

    So the unit weight of a sheet of t thickness;

    w = 40.8 x t


    w = unit weight of the sheet in lbs/sq.ft.

    t = thickness of the sheet in inches

    Thus the weight of the entire coil is;

    Weight = (As x w) in lbs

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