
What is the freakiest experience you have ever had?

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What is the freakiest experience you have ever had?




  1. on the computer once, i was looking for pics of il divo and cesc fabregas for a vid i was making,and all of a sudden music that was totally tasteless started playing on my headphones (which i usually have on even if i'm not playing any music),so i said to stop,and then when it didn't. i was saving one of the pics,so i named it plz stop. so about a minute later,the music stopped. and then a couple days later it started and stopped all of a sudden. how's that for freaky?

  2. we were moving into a new house so my room wasn't ready so i slept with ym sister that night and befor that i saw "the passion of christ" and stuff etc. i woke up in the middle night lol i kick alot lol and i woke up and i was hitting something hard but before i wen to tbed their wasn nothing, i opned ym my eyes and saw this freaky hideous face i was freaked out and when morning came i checked out the whole edge of the bed and their was nothing hard i asked my sister and she said nothing it was rock hard.....i was 10 now i'm 12 rofl

  3. It's between seeing our sisters ghost right after she was murdered,or the spirit table that would move across the floor by itself with a 200 lb. person on it, or the flying saucer that stopped and hovered above our heads for at least five minutes. I am going to say, the saucer. All of them blow my mind, but I think that one does the most. Still. Byee

  4. I live in a mobile home, and most of you know there is a back door in all of them. My bedroom is in the back at the end of the trailer. Sitting at my pc I can see the emergency door. My room is large and at the foot of my bed is my computer desk where you will find me. Around March of this year while on my pc, I happened to look up and on the door I saw a complete shadow of a man standing there. He had very short hair, small build, and I couldn't see him, just his shadow. I looked for a few minutes waiting to see who he was or what he wanted thinking it could be one of my sons. Neither were here, but I wasn't sure if one had come in or not. He didn't say anything, but turned toward the bathroom which is next to my room. After a minute I got up because I couldn't hear footsteps and wanted to see where he went. The bathroom door was open and no one was in there. I walked past my sons room and it was empty and on into the kitchen where you can also see into the living room, it is all open. My dog was on the couch looking out the window. We were all alone. My dog weighs over 160 pounds. Everyone is afraid of him, so I know it couldn't have been a stranger. My dog would have barked and jumped on them to play. My brother used to own this mobile home and he died here in my bedroom in 2000. He was a Marine during Viet Nam, and he used to have short hair then. He was small built too.

  5. When I was about 9 or 10, my brother folded me up in a pull out bed (you know, one of those beds that comes out of a couch)... Anyway, He folded me in the mattress and push it all the way back into the couch. I was stuck and near dead from heat. He had to call the police to help him pull me out. So the police came and got me out. My temperature rose about 6 Degrees F. in there.

    Now I'm afraid of the d**n things.

  6. well, idk really, i just know one day, i was in the mall, in a sport's store, and all of a sudden a guy came up to me, and said if i dont put a that basketball back, he was gonna cut me with his knife!

  7. i blow up are microwave i all most burnt the house down it was really scary and my parents got so so so so mad!

  8. I picked up this guy hitch hiking, definitely from some other planet.

  9. as i was walking down the street one day in new york city, a psychic stopped me and asked to "read" me.  i said no (i did not believe in psychics).  she then told me something dead-on accurate something that happened to me a few years earlier that was very personal and only one other person knows.  her eyes were kind of glowing...  very freaky!!  the hair on my arms stood on end, and i felt like i might pass out!!

  10. When I was 11, I went to the back porch of my house. I opened the back door and saw a white...image appear. My cat had died recently and it was the spitting image, if you will, of that cat. It looked up at me, and ran off. I have never seen it to this day.

    Also, the feeling when you're alone In a room and you feel like someone had just entered is also very freaky. I know what causes it and it is no longer that bad.

  11. marrying my first wife!!!!!! ouch!

  12. ever had the feeling someone scary was following you as you walk home at night time? is that freaky.

  13. Once I got like no sleep and my brain starting getting all weird. I started half-believing that I was invisible to everyone else.

    (No, I'm not crazy.

    I was just REALLY tired.)

  14. my old computer was possessed by evil spirits. I swear it to this day.

  15. When I realized that some people actually believe in spirits, ghosts, demons, and other invisible friends.

  16. I live in a 100 year old house in upstate NY and one night I was doing something down stairs and when I came upstairs I saw that my Coca Cola neon light was on!  Now, I did not turn it on and rarely do.  It is in my little office where I do my check book work and it has a string to pull to turn it on and it is rather a hard pull.  I did not turn it on and I live alone and no one was in the house but me!  Who or what turned it on?  No power surge would do that with a switch like that.  I hear there are lots of ghosts in this little town.

  17. OK, I have this feeling of a memory about something weird..and I say feeling because I actually forgot about it for a long time, then remembered it somehow, but I can't remember *exactly* what happened.  I'm not someone who believes in ghosts, but I remember this one time several months after my mom died (she died 5 years ago), I got this...freaky feeling like of her presence and it really spooked me.  There wasn't a sign given, like a spoon moving or something lol, but just a feeling, a knowing.

  18. Some things are best forgotten

  19. My freaky experiences are not G-rated so I can't post them here.

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