
What is the frequency of BR class 55 Deltic locomotive warning horns ? I have two horns to go on my semi !?

by Guest67092  |  earlier

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I have two horns all cleaned up ready to mount on my truck,they are brass,very old BR horns,looks like they are adjustable,one is about 13" the other is about 9", i bought these on ebay about a year ago, they were painted grey !!

I also have a two way control lever as well .




  1. Train horns work by air pressure from the main reservoir. High/Low tone. No idea how you are going to get them to work on your truck, but if and when you do people will know you're there!!!

    Also they are so loud, there is probably some law against maximum decibels for use on the roads.

    Good luck anyway!

  2. I would be surprised if these work on your truck, but would love to hear them.

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