
What is the fullform of LASER?

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What is the fullform of LASER?




  1. The acronym LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It is commonly used as a word and written as "laser". The "radiation" portion of the acronym sounds ominous, but radiation just means traveling light or other particles. Light, or photons, are electromagnetic waves including everything from X-rays to radio waves. LASER light tends to be in or near the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    How a LASER works

    Normal light sources tend to emit a hodgepodge of diverse photons. The Sun and stars, incandescent light bulbs, florescent lights, fires and candles, LEDs (Light Emission Devices), and most surfaces reflecting light, are made of a variety of atomic elements that hold and emit light of different frequencies and at different polarities.

    Frequency in light refers to a photon's position in the electromagnetic spectrum. All light oscillates, waving up and down, side to side, or somewhere in between as it travels. How quickly it waves determines the frequency. The polarity of light is the direction of the oscillations. Polarized light oscillates all in one direction instead of a natural, random distribution of directions. LASERs emit light of the same frequency and polarity.

    Though different types of LASERs vary greatly, there are two common components necessary to make a LASER. There must be a gain medium and there must be a resonant optical cavity, a fancy name for a mirrored chamber.

    The gain medium is usually a uniform material that is stimulated to release a photon as another photon passes by. The passing photon causes an outer electron on an atom of the gain medium to fall (or rather pop) towards the nucleus. This releases a photon of the same frequency as the passing photon, and the light is amplified.

    The resonant optical cavity has two mirrors. One is a fully reflective mirror, and the other is partially reflective. The released light bounces back and forth between the mirrors (resonating), bumping more electrons in the gain medium and releasing even more photons. The partially reflective mirror allows some of the light to eventually escape, creating the LASER beam.

    Common Uses

    It is unlikely that LASERs are being used to torture secret agents in the underground lairs of supervillians, but LASERs are found in all sorts of devices. The computer you are reading this on probably has a CDROM or DVD drive. Both use a LASER to read discs. The disc is encoded with information by a LASER that burns tiny holes into the metallic medium on the disc. The disc is later read by a similar LASER at lower energy that beams light into the metal and finds where the holes are. The different between hole and non-hole provides the information (much like the records CDs replaced).

    LASERs are also used in speed detection for law enforcement, surveying in land development, satellite topography (including the mapping of Mars and Venus), vision correction (LASIK - LASER Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis), and barcode scanners.

    It is generally considered that LASERs will be an integral component in successful nuclear fusion reactors. Ultimately, this may be the most valuable use of LASERs.


    Most LASER devices that consumers use are safe, or are housed safely so that humans are not exposed to the beam. LASERs can be dangerous. LASER cutters can burn 20 millimeters or so into dense materials like stainless steel. Potentially harmful LASERs are usually not accessible to the general public. Regardless, never look directly into a LASER beam. The intensity and specificity of the light can quickly damage vision.

  2. LASER stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

  3. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

  4. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is the full form of "LASER".


  5. it's full form is light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

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