
What is the function of a overdrive button in a car?

by Guest57945  |  earlier

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..whats the actual function and how does it works?




  1. overdrive is a taller gear that reduces the total RPM of your engine at high speeds, such as interstate driving,  therefore reducing gas consumption, on my 96 Tbird its on the gearshift, you just push it, and it sets the overdrive to work, if its off, you will not be using it, such as in city driving where your only doing like 30-40 MPH, OD work only at high speeds like 60 or above, allowing you better gas mileage. All the newer model cars have electronic OD, which needs a switch to engage it, so if your on the interstate, click it on, you will hear your engine lower it's RPM, sand get slightly better gas mileage.  

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