
What is the function of the liver and the pancreas? What happens if you don't have these?

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What is the function of the liver and the pancreas? What happens if you don't have these?




  1. The pancreas produces insulin which enables the body to process sugars which are the building blocks of your body's energy system. The food we ingest is processed with timely insulin production to regulate the body's sugar levels. You can live by means of regular insulin injections if you have no pancreas.

    If you have no liver, your body is incapable of filtering your blood properly and you'll essentially die of septic shock in very little time because our bodies are constantly producing toxins as by-products of living.

    The good news is, transplanted liver tissue grows quickly - surgeons can transplant tissue about a third the size of a normal liver and it will grow substantially, replacing your missing organ. This also means they don't need to harvest a liver from a dead person to keep you going. Someone who has the right tissue match can donate a portion of their liver to transplant into you.

  2. Liver - cleans your blood and sends the bad stuff to your bladder or your sweat glands, its part of the excretion system. It also produces bile, an alkaline compound which is sent to the stomach to aid in can only last about 24 hours without one of these

    pancreas - converts sugar into glucose and insulin, which is then sent into your blood and to all your cells. It also secretes pancreatic fluid which is sent to your small intestine and is part of the digestive process. probably about 24 hours also

  3. The liver filters the blood of toxins and the pancreas produces insulin to control blood sugar levels. Without the function of either of these vital organs you die rather quickly.

  4. the liver secretes something

  5. I'm not sure about the pancreas but the liver is avery important organ. all liquids pass through it and it helps keep your body healthy. it cleans.

  6. the liver processes the blood...

    you die without these.

  7. The liver does alot of filtering and leads urine to the bladder... without it... you would die...

    your pancreas also cannot be totally removed... but can have part of it removed due to cancer and things like that.

  8. i know u cant live without a pancreas because my dad has has half of it removed in surgeries cus he had tumors on it and they told him they cant do any more operations because its getting too dangerous so ovbiously somthing important :)

  9. dont quote me on this but i think they help in the filtering of waste from your body, without them youll die

  10. The liver removes toxins from your body.  If you don't have one, your skin and eyes will turn yellow, then you'll die.

  11. The liver is the primary filtration for your blood.  Also, it secretes various chemicals necessary for life.  Without your liver, your body builds up bilurubin and you die.  Pancreas secretes insulin to take care of glucose.  If you don't have one, then you have to take insulin shots or you die.

  12. The liver secretes bile, a digestive fluid; metabolizes proteins, carbohydrates, and fats; stores glycogen, vitamins, and other substances

    The pancreas secrete enzyme and hormones

    They both help in digestion..

  13. The liver and the pancreas are both accessory digestive organs. The liver has hundreds of functions, however, some of the most important include the secretion of bile, which helps to emulsify fats; removal worn out blood cells; and detoxification of the blood.

    The pancreas secretes enzymes which are needed to break down the components of food. It also helps to regulate blood sugar  through the secretion of glucagon and insulin.

    The body can not survive without either of these organs.  

  14. Your liver is like a filter, when you drink alcohol it helps you from poisoning yourself basically.  Your pancreas... no clue

  15. They are filters for the body.  If you don't have a pancreas, you become a severe diabetic and ultimately die.  If you don't have a liver, you better find a donor quick or you will die.

  16. the pancrease manages blood suger by producing insulin.

    Your liver filters toxins out of your blood.

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