
What is the function/purpose of a wing man if you are a fighter pilot.?

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What is the function/purpose of a wing man if you are a fighter pilot.?




  1. Look after your back.

  2. You need a backup, you can't pay attention to everything.

  3. A wingman flies another aircraft, whats better in combat 1 aircraft or 2?


  4. If an enemy fighter gets on your tail, you need the wingman to get him off.  

    Basically flying alone leave the fighter pilot venerable. Wingman covers each other's venerability.

    Good Luck...

  5. He makes cool witty comments.

    I know because I saw the movie Top Gun.

  6. Excellent answer by Jim. Your question has been superbly answered. Basically the wingman safeguards your tail and you his.

  7. The purpose is "mutual support".  The idea is that each aircraft covers each other.  This applies especially in a visual close-in engagement, "dogfight" or furball if you prefer.  Historically, the lesser experienced crew was the wingman of the leader.  The idea being by following the experienced guy they can pick up some lessons.  Realistically this "welded wing" (so named because the newbie stay locked to his leader) didn't work for building situational awareness.  It was found that the new guy spent too many brain cells on maintaining formation and not enough on killing the other guys.  But the synergy of two aircraft working together did.  This led to the idea of mutual support-where both aircraft will take the lead/wingman position based on the current situation.  In other words, if the new guy's got a shot and I don't I will move to clear his tail; and vice versa.  

    I hope that helps.  Please PM me if you have further questions.

  8. Let's see you take on someone else without some wing a man.

  9. If you're a fighter pilot, the wing man's function is to fly a little behind and to the side of you, to cover your back from enemy fire, basically.

    Hope this helps,


  10. Cover lead's six.

  11. The wing is for lift, man.

  12. Companionship.......contingency.....what happens when the main pilot suddenly sleeps.........i thought it was too sleepy up there............  too keep the pilot awake!!!!!!!

  13. A wing man Watches out for the enemy attacking you from behind.

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