
What is the funniest line you've ever used to put someone in their place?

by  |  earlier

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I had been working for a friend, but I really wasn't a good fit. After being sick and tired of them constantly s******g up the schedule (and then punishing me with passive aggressive behavior when I said "those hours will not work - change them"). Well - the last straw happened when they knew I was IN a wedding and they scheduled me anyway. I decided I was quitting w/o notice. My friend learned of this (dear husband told him) and said, "You can't do that!" I looked at him and said, "Oh, I think I just DID!"

We're still friends, btw.




  1. when i was younger i was fat. lol

    and there was this one girl that would ALWAYS find a way to make fun of me about it. So one day i was like "I'm sorry that you are so depressed that your face looks like a cow chewed it up and spit it out. that you spend all your time making fun of me." =)

    that's not really funny lol

    can you help me?;...

  2. Well it's not funny but my boyfriends ex wife is always calling because she needs money. And he pays $600.00 a month in child support. She don't have a job. So last time she called for $350.00 I got PISSED off he lives with me and spent our rent money to give her to pay her bills. I called her and told her GET A JOB. It's funny cus I am a very quite person who lets people run me over.  

  3. someone in my gym class was making fun of this eigth grade girl. He keeps on saying "you look like an *** with the scar on your face". I couldnt take it anymore so I told him "atleast, that scar doesnt make her look like an a*****e like you"

    then he didnt say anything else after that.

  4. When I was in 4th grade there was this horrible, mean girl. I went to gym with her and she said something to me (i can't remember what) so I told her "If mean was dynamite, you'd explode!"

    lol. I wasn't so good at come backs back then.

  5. Its not funny, but I'll say

    And your point is?

  6. During a work lunch meeting, one co-worker brought up the topic of whether they'll get a coffee maker in the teacher's room. Our head teacher said that she inquired about it but said they won't. A few raised a stink about it especially the one who really wanted it. I was quiet. I didn't care for it. And honestly, it was a stupid topic to begin with. They looked at me & then, my head teacher asked if I was disappointed. I said, "No, get over it. It's only a coffee maker." They all looked at me as if I was the biggest "B." That guy who wanted the coffee maker shush up after that.  

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