
What is the funniest/most odd position you've seen your child sleep in?

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This afternoon when I went into my son's room to see if he was up from his nap, I found him at his little table and chair sitting in the chair with his face down straight on the table! He fell asleep there with his blanket and his thumb in his mouth (he's two). Imagine walking in and seeing your toddler asleep at his little table and chair, lol. It was too cute.

How about you? What is the craziest position you've seen your kids sleep in?




  1. the other day i went in to check that my 15 month old daughter was asleep in her cot and i saw that she had propped herself up in the corner of her cot with pillows and toys and her dummy in her mouth and a story book on her lap. sitting up straight in the corner.

    it was adorable.


  2. once  my 5 yr old was layin with his upper body on the bed and his legs hangin off totally passed out

    heres some of my 5 yr old and my 4 month old

  3. That's too cute!  

    I don't have kids yet.  But when I was little, I almost always slept with my knees tucked under me and my butt up in the air.

  4. We had this Gymboree tape with Jimbo the clown. (I don't know if he's still around...My kids are teenagers now.) The tape had a whole bunch of sing along songs and activites for toddlers/pre-schoolers. One of the activities called for a laundry basket for the child to sit in so they could pretend they were on a train. My son LOVED this part and would watch it over and over. At 3yrs, he had figured out how to rewind and play on the VCR so he could do it himself. One day, I found him asleep in the laundry basket! His head was on the bottom of it, his mouth open, hair sticking straight up and his feet hanging over the of the funniest things I've ever seen. I took a picture of it and it's still on the fridge to this day...he's 16yrs now.  

  5. Well my 2 month old just sleeps like a normal baby, but my 2 year old sure doesn't. One time I walked in to get her after her nap, and she had turned on her TV, and was sitting up right with her legs out, remote in hand, and fast asleep. It was just so funny. We also went to a party once, and as we were getting ready to leave I went to go get my little girl, and realized that she had opened up a package of cupcakes, and had used them as a pillow for her head. I had to take a picture, it was priceless.

  6. My oldest fell asleep standing infront of the couch bent over with his chest and head on the seat of it when he was about 2. I don't know how his legs didn't give in on him!! I put him up onto the couch---he woke up and fell back asleep in the position he was in before!! I find him in odd positions all the time. A couple weeks ago he put a blanket on the floor & fell asleep in the small space between the couch & coffee table. Another night my husband put him in bed with us. We were sharing a pillow & when I woke up in the morning he was upsidedown towards the bottom of the bed.

    Kids are so silly.

    My youngest usually sleeps normal. When he was first born he use to sleep all sprawled out; arms up & out to his sides and his legs spread....haha too cute!!

  7. on all fours, in the playpen.

    just before his first birthday, he wasn't well.

  8. On his stomach with his butt sticking straight up in the air.

  9. My brother fell asleep in his baby swing and laid his head in the tray. He fell asleep in his high chair once too.

    When my son was about 6 months old, he was on his belly in his crib but his butt was caught on the crib spindles so his butt and legs weren't even touching the mattress. It was sooo funny.

  10. We were at a local Mardi Gras Parade. I had my son (then 2) on my shoulders waiting for the floats to pass. He fell asleep sitting on my shoulders with his head resting on my head.  

  11. i remember one of the first times my daughter went to bed on her own. she came in and told me that she was going to go to sleep with her baby doll (which was in the doll's playpen) a little while later, i went to go check on her to see if she was sleeping and sure enough, she was with the toy playpen on top of her with the baby doll inside of it...i took a picture, and then of course took the little playpen off of her. It was just too funny.

  12. The absolute funniest thing I ever saw was my 5 month old sleeping on her stomach with her doll (a stuffed "Kate" from the cartoon Arthur) on top of her back.  I have no idea how she managed that. We used to say that her and Kate had a fight and Kate won.

  13. Well, aside from the numerous occasions where my daughters have fallen asleep right in the high chair, slumped over their tomato soup and grilled cheese sammies, my now 6-year-old daughter, Saige, was obviously tired.  She was about 20 months when she asked me to put her in bed ("Momma, tiiiiie!  Go behhhhh!)  I told her I was sorry, but that her night-night sheets were in the washer, so she would have to sleep on the couch or in my bed.  That wasn't going to fly, I knew, since we had just gotten her her first new big-girl bed.  To my amazement that day (she seemed oddly not-cranky for being so tired), she just walked into the other room, I thought she was going to my room after all.  Ten or 15 minutes later, I went to check on her.  I couldn't find her in my room anywhere, she wasn't in her bed, and she didn't sneak back into the family room.  For whatever reason, I checked the laundry room, and there she was; she had pulled the dirty laundry on the floor up into a pile for a bed, and used more clothes for a blanket!  It's amazing what those tiny little minds can come up with :)

  14. When my sister was about 2, she would wake up around 6am and take off her diaper. then she would lay on her stomach and knees, but in the air. guess she liked the breeze !lol

  15. How is this one for ya LOL he fell asleep playing with the laundry basket.

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