
What is the funniest political video you've seen online?

by Guest60024  |  earlier

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Can you pause this political video at the 10 seconds mark without cracking up?

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life...

Olbermann just might get me to watch mainstream news again:




  1. Jib Jab.  

  2. The jib jab song this year was great

  3. What's funny? I thought it was a biased biography of her. They did say that she has the highest approval rating of any governor in the country though. That impresses me.  

  4. The Youtube video titled 'The Real John McCain'.

  5. Now that we know what McCain really thinks of the American people and women by the choices he makes in the people he surrounds himself with (Gramm and Palin) that we are a nation of whiners and a nation of whining women, this woman (me) will be laughing all the way to the polls in November as I pull the lever for Obama/Biden. Thanks for the video.  It's quite clear McCain has poor judgement and is not fit to be the President of the United States of America.

  6. Obama and "change"

  7. I liked "I'm voting Republican".

  8. McCain waving. The Viet Cong put a hurting on him!

    While Obama is waving high above his head, McCain can't even raise him arms halfway his crippled body.

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