
What is the funniest thing you've ever heard?

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  1. My brother singing. It's screechy

  2. idk, maybe a dead baby joke. or the black dot joke.  

  3. this Q right here!LOL!

  4. "We can discuss your options if you release the hostage as a show of good faith Trank!"

  5. can g*y people wear straight jackets

  6. Its hard to say  because i love comedy '

    and as of this month i have logged 50 years on this floating rock

    however  Dane Cook a very funny comedian told the

    ( you tube link)   roommate joke below  i hope you find it worth the visti




  7. The Jonas Brothers are like The Beatles...

  8. I would have to go with "He loves Phire's' answer.

  9. A prank call from a g*y guy calling a straight guy that he had an account on g* g*y guy tried to seduce him...HAHA

  10. anything ever said on Arrested Development... I miss that show : (

  11. I was in the Pharmacy, and there was this white old guy buying Lynx deodrant and he asked the assistant 'It says Dark chcolate here, does that mean its only for black people'? I was laughing my head of.

  12. My and I were in the car and my sister asked of if there were two moons?

  13. there are to many things to say

  14. Joe Bros Suck lmao

  15. Obama's campaign

  16. This question that was asked "Can' g*y ppl wear straight jackets" lol so funny!

  17. the Question pasted below, the best  answer is so unexpected i was literally sitting there crying with laughter. its not against religion or anything its just because its so not what one would expect.

  18. It was a hilarious, booty--licious sort of girl with a lot of attitude...talking about how her family of three shops at Sams Club and gets like 5 carts full of food at a time. It cracked me up so bad I fell down laughing.

  19. What's great about twenty eight year olds?

    Theres 20 of them!

  20. there are two things that are the funniest things i've ever heard: friends imitation of a duck(it cracks me up every time!)

    2.that barack obama is going to win the presidential election

    oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!buuuuuuurn!lol.b... seriously though.

  21. My friend Vanessa. She's hilarious!

  22. Some guy asking the whole bar if there was a "Phil McCracken" in the house.

  23. my mother in law f**t

  24. My friend Josh bought a stuffed hippo while we were at church camp and he's OBSESSED with it!  He carried it around at camp all week, cried when we *accidentally* got him stuck in a tree, and now that school's started he carries him in his pocket!  "Hippie the hypno hippo"

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