
What is the funniest thing you've heard from a child?

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preferably under 10. Doesn't have to be your child




  1. my 1 yr old says oh sh*t...I dont know where she learned it I think my sister...but its bad and I tell her no but its so cute...cause she says it when she is mad...and she has the whole arm motion and everything

  2. 1 of the 3 year old boys my mom babysat was running around the house without his clothes on, my 3 year old sister saw him and said "My daddy has one of those". haha

  3. When the Cleveland Browns were doind bad 2 years ago my  7 year old son said dad I can't keep going through this.

  4. ok so my little cousin is like 2...and he cant say "fire truck" correctly, it sounds like hes saying "flier fu**!" so my other cousins were like "say OH TRUCK!!" and my 2 year old cousin was like "ohhhh fu**!!!" and i was laughing so hard. ahaha

  5. my 2 year old sister snatched a spoon from my bowl of soup and said 'Yeah boy!".

  6. dad : 5 more mins left of t.v

    elizabeth:aw sh*t

    dad:thats not a nice word, a pretty little 4 yr old shouldnt say it

    elizabeth:so that makes it okay for ugly 30 year olds?

    dad:what do you mean?

    elizabeth:well, you say it all the time!

    this conversation between my dad and my sister elizabeth. she is now 11.

  7. I just got out of the shower and i was carrying my 3 year old cousin cuzz i hadnt seen her in like 6 monthes and she flipped my hair back and goes ohhh wow you are cute. and i flipped her hair and did the same and she says no you are way more cuter

  8. My student was 11 when this conversation happened.

    I was talking about college and explaining that I have a BA and an MAT and what each stood for.  

    We talked about MD's and JD's and PhD's as the highest degrees you can get.

    Kid--I want to become a vet.  What's that called?

    Me-I'm not really sure.

    Kid--Well, if a medical doctor is an MD, then wouldn't a veternary doctor be a VD?

    Me--(choking back a laugh) No, I'm pretty sure it's not that.

    Btw--I quickly googled it before THAT went home, and found out that it's a DVM.  I love that story, and when parent's night came around I shared it with the classes parents and they thought it was hysterical too.

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