
What is the funniest thing you have ever read on here?

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I cant be arsed to add details I need to get to the offy before it shuts.....

be right back




  1. All those answers I got to my 'cyber baby' question. My my some people are really serious on here lol

    Or this

  2. Some young, romantically innocent guy asked a question about a year ago - something like this:

    Wouldn't it be great if you could go home every night after work to a nice house with flowers in the garden and a white picket fence and be greeted by a pretty wife with berets in her hair and a smile on her face?

    He received many answers, mostly from feminists, that didn't think his answer deserved much courtesy.   One of the first answers he received was:

    "stick it up your a**"  

    Her avatar was a woman of the 50's with her sleeves roled up showing off her biceps.  She received a record number of thumbs up.

    The question disappeared several days later.  Even now I laugh when I think about it.  That poor innocent guy.

  3. Mine is simple.... you reaching level 3 FFS.

  4. When some total idiot suggested that 2 "S's" were the same person :-)

    I have read some good jokes on here, I can't repeat them as I'd be typing all day.

    You actually crack me up, often,

    Edit::: Also when the owners of this site..MR. Y. A. Hoo tell me," I may experience some odd behaviour," when they're doing updates.

  5. Everyday. Somebody always asks a question, or gives an answer so ridiculous that it makes me laugh out loud.

  6. I will be 27 years OLD in a few weeks, should I start worrying now?

    Just read it!! now i'm trying to get up off the floor :)

  7. some dude cought his weiner in the zipper so badly that it punched holes and started peeing out of all of them. Three days and he STILL didnt go to the ER, Y! answers can fix him up!

    ouch but LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL what a waste of a weiner.

  8. someone asked for suggestions on getting her 5 year old to stop shouting...

    "duct tape" was one of the

    I thought it was great!

  9. Who lit the fuse on your tampon?

    directed at me, seems like eons ago.

    made me howl.

    ( with laughter )



  11. The Mugabe sounds like Maybe question. Biggest pile of cr@p ive seen in ages

  12. There is so many I can't think of one off hand.......

    I've no drink tonight I can't think  :(

  13. i read one just before that said that he eat cat poo by accident haha

  14. "How do you ask a question on here?"

    I still laugh at it.

  15. that some guy use to date this girl that loved to go to yard sales and at one he went to with her and they had used underwear for sale. After that he always imaged  her in used underwear. Weird!

  16. How is babby formed?

  17. 'I'm 13 and I'm trying for a baby....i don't care what people think because I'm ready'


  18. I have two..both Proper Ganders.

    one was about being able to make his own pig for about £27 from Tesco 3p sausages and the other was the Chinese Olympics one that said 'borrocks'.

    I just want to read them over and over again. Pure glee.

  19. This thing amuses me so much! So many funny things. Some people's utter stupidity cracks me up as do some questions and people's sarcastic responses. Someone a few mins ago asked if anyone had heard of Mali or Hungary before watching the Olympics! Someone else reckons he ate cat s**t thinking it was a prune and wants to know when he'll go blind! And that was just in the last 5 mins! Great question by the way.

  20. when i first came on here i saw a question from this girl who said she had small nipples and an enlarged labia that hung down about 2-3 inches. and she was asking -was this normal?

    She seemed worried about it so i reassured her that if she pulled on her nipples her labia will go back up

    Not sure whether she took heed of my advice in the end but i enjoyed that first day so much i decided to hang around lol x

  21. the person asked how to style her hair and someone answered Hair mouse...not hair mouse.. I almost died laughing!!!

    then of course the day you discovered the zombie accounts...

    I was rolling that day!!!

  22. Someone asked, "Whenever you see Tori Spelling do you want to feed her an apple and pet her nose?"

  23. I have a perfect family, I'm a catholic, I am a barrister, accountant, nurse and have a degree in German.

    Now, I'm booked in for labiaplasty and a boob enlargement anyone had one??

  24. if girls with big b***s work at girls with one leg work at IHOP?


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