
What is the funniest thing your kids has done/said that you couldn't get on to them for?

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Has your little one done or said anything that was wrong or bad but you couldn't correct them because you were laughing?




  1. I have a similiar story to Rana's. My nephew pooped on himself in his play pen when he was being potty trained. My sister wasn't in the room when it happened but the smell made her realize what was going on. He smeared it all over the footboard of the bed in the bedroom and himself. It was horrible but funny!  

  2. My nephew peed on his stuffies, his bed, pillow, clothes and couch when he was 2 and said that they belonged to him...shortly after his Dad explained to him that the dogs lift their legs to pee in the yard and on the trees to tell everyone that those things belong to them (the dogs).  

  3. When I was younger my sister and I would fight. My little brother was about 5.  We would spell the B word so he didn't know what we were saying. One day he got mad at us and called us a *********. LOL! He spelled it out and everything. We forget how smart they are!

  4. hehe @ your story.

    I don't really swear much, pretty much never around the kids anyway. My Husband does when he is around his tough mates (Truckers)

    We went to go somewhere in his car recently, and Master Tobias (3 in 2 weeks) walks over to Daddy's car, kicks the wheel and starts cursing the car in profound language.

    Just like his Father did a few mornings prior because his car wouldn't start.

    I shouldn't have laughed, but the way he did it, I saw my Husband.  

  5. Yeah,  we went to the grocery store and my four year old just started singing, "I smoke, I drink, i'm supposed to stop but I can't, I'm a dog, i love hoes, i'm addicted to money, cars and clothes, Do it big then"  I mean he sung it LOUD and everyone was staring at me and I was just in shock!  When we got in the car I asked him where he heard that from.  Well my mom had gotten him a liitle I Pod for his birthday and turns out while my sister was downloading him songs to it that one happened to slip in,  I felt so bad, but that things got like 100 songs on it, who knew that would be on there! LOL!  I felt horrible!

  6. LOL, those are all so funny!

    I have a 5 year old son who's already known for being smart as a whip and saying the funniest things.  I was playing dominoes online and I got mad because I was going through a losing streak and I let a couple of words slip out.  Anyway, my son came over to me, one arm on my shoulder and a finger on the other hand waving back and forth and he said, "We don't say bad thiiiiiings around the children!"  It was too funny.

    A couple of weeks ago, my husband, my son, and myself were at the mall.  We were in the food court sitting down eating our food, when I complained about my back hurting, my tummy feeling nauseous, etc (I'm pregnant).  Anyway, after I finished up my son said, "Wah.  Wah. Wah." (baby noises).   And I asked him, "What did you say?"  And he replied, "Exactly what you said."  OUCH!  Couldn't really say anything to that because I was complaining, lol.    

  7. When my daughter, Madelaine, was about three my husband dressed up as an old lady for halloween.  He wore one of my dresses, fishnet hose, and a wig.  About a year later, I had just got my commission in the Air Force and was at a going away dinner for my boss.  I took Madelaine with me because my younger daughter was sick and I didn't want my husband to have to watch both.  We were sitting at a table with several other officers (all senior to me) and their spouses.  Madelaine was the only child and hadn't said a word all evening.  So finally one of the group asked her "what is your daddy like?"   The whole table got quiet to listen to her answer "Well most of the time he is fine but when he wears my mommy's clothes, I think he's kinda weird!"   I didn't know what to say at that point.  I turned bright red!! There was an awkward silence and everyone started shovelling food into their mouths.  I thought about telling them the whole story but figured they would think what they wanted to.  Its funny now but back then, I was mortified!!

  8. i told my 3 year old "don't be rude"  he replied "I am not rude mama , I am sam"

  9. My daughter is soon to be 7 and is notorious for saying funny things. Her uncle is now 14, but at the time he was 13. They tend to argue a lot when they are together. My brother was complaining about her touching something of his and she came out to the kitchen where I was at and very casually said, "Mom, I cannot handle being in this house anymore, Daniel is bit$#ing again." Just the innocent way she said it cracked me up.

    i'll share one more story. My Mom was telling me how I should take my daughter to Sunday school so she can learn about God. My daughter said, "Grandma i know about God, he is the guy on my daddy's necklace". Her dad is Spanishand wears a necklace w/jesus on it. Then about 5 seconds later she said, "oh and Grandma I know Jesus dies on the cross walk". I realize now that maybe she should go to Sunday school at one point.

    Great question!!!

  10. lol oh no... thats funny though

    Well my 3 year old twins are really sassy lately. We were at the store and one was wanting to touch things on the self, i told her no that they are not for her to touch. She got all mad at me. put her hands on her hips, stomped her feet as she took a few steps and turned around and said "mommy you know im just not your friend anymore, you hear me" then stomped off some more, turned around and louder said "do you hear me, this is not a joke, im so mad at you" then stomped off faster and turned around and straight up yelled "mommy your just a meanie, im not your friend, im not kidding, im serious" it was full off snotty attitude which i am trying to crack down on.. but she just cracked me up because of her expressions and matter of fact voice..

    the other day.. i wouldn't get mad at this but it was funny.. we were at the store and my other daughter was looking at cotton balls and asked daddy what they were and he said "cotton balls" she said "yeah daddy c**k-and-balls" lol

  11. That is a very good question !

    When I was 11 and my brother was a  baby I told my mom I could watch him while they went to the store for a minute. I figured it wouldn't be that hard and justput him in the crib. I left the room for a minute and I came back and he had p**p on his face and all over the wall and the crib and he had thrown it everywhere! I was mortified. I tried to clean it up but when my parents got home I had to tell them. They looked around the room and laughed so hard. I was like "So I'm not in trouble"?

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