
What is the funniest thing your toddler has done/said?

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My son is 2 1/2 and he cracks me up every day! Yesterday, my husband was in the kitchen, and he was leaning over looking in the fridge. My son snuck up behind him and bit his butt! Then he turned around and said, "sorry daddy, and ran away laughing his head off" That's just one of many...what are your funny kid stories??




  1. My nephews watched a movie that they really shouldn't have... But now they quote funny parts from it. The four yr old will say, "I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!" (In a hick vioce, too- just like the movie- Taladega Nights) And the youngest of the four boys first word was "Uncle". Clear as day, too! I guess the baby has to have a safety word with all those big brothers picking on him all day. haha

  2. My son is 2 1/2 now and talking a lot now...he is now trying to use by joining the "ing" part to them playing,swimming,running...etc

    few days back he was learning the concept/word "friend" and using it a lot ... he went swimming with his dad the other day and wanted to hug him in the swimming pool ..finally when he hugged him he goes "look i am friending daddy " husband came home telling this story and still cracks me up

    When we blowup a baloon we say like "Poo Poo" ...once he was not able to blowup the baloon and goes like "mama balloon is not pooing"  :-)....

    every day is a treasure with this kid !!!!

  3. They are funny aren't they??  I had to take my niece to the orthodontist today and they had a little play area for kids.  Another family showed up with a little girl and she saw my son playing and decided to join him.  He came around the corner of the play area and said "MOM!!  I found a pretty girl!!"  The other mom and I cracked up!!  Ah gotta love the 3 year olds!!

  4. I used to pick up my 3-year-old niece from school every day after work for my sister. One day she was in the back seat telling me about her day and then she stopped in the middle of her sentence and said "Auntie Heather... can you please roll up the windows and put the air conditioning on? It's hot in here!" I explained to her that my air conditioning was broken and she asked why I haven't fixed it. I then explained that I didn't have any money to fix it and I said I'm sorry and I turned around and gave her a sad face.Then she thought for a minute and then said, "IT'S OK AUNTIE HEATHER! When we get to my house I will give you some money so you can fix it, ok? I have some in my piggy bank, so don't be sad." I found out from my sister that she only has some change in her piggy bank. Then after I dropped my niece and sister off and said goodbye, when I was on my way home I got a phone call from my sister. She said "Zoey (my niece) said that she needs to talk to you and that it's important." Then when Zoey got on the phone, she said, "Auntie! You forgot the money! Come back! We have to fix your air thingy in your car! I have the money in my hand for you, see?! (Then she jingled the change in the piggy bank for me to hear)." It was the cutes thing ever!

    Another one with her is last year I asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She said fruit snacks (that was her obsession at the time). I said, "Are you sure? Don't you want a movie, or some toys, or anything else?" And she said, "No I just really need fruit snacks BAD!" LOL! So I bought her a huge mega pack of fruit snacks from Costco and wrapped it up and put it under the tree for her. Then on Christmas everybody else bought her big expensive toys. She just opened everybody elses presents and then threw them aside; then when she got to mine i thought she was going to have a heart attack! LOL! She screamed, "THIS IS THE BEST PRESENT EVER IN MY LIFE!" And everybody looked at me like I was crazy. Then I said "Hey don't look at me like that. I just got her what she really wanted." It was the funniest and cutest thing ever.

  5. my little gril see was like 2 years old run up behind her great grandfather and punch his nuts we talk about all the time and just laugh she 9 years old now

  6. my son is 2.5 years old and almost weaned. The other day In walmart we were standing at the cash register and my son was standing in the cart. He stuck an arm down the top of my shirt, grabbed a handful of boob and said "ooooh mama, nite nite". of course there was an older lady in line right behind me watching me get groped by my lecherous son.

  7. My son  is 2 and he has a lil girlfriend who is the daughter of one of our great family friends. The other day we were giving the kids a bath together and they were naked standing at the tub waiting to get in and he reached over and put his hand on her butt. I laughed so hard. When I asked him what he was doing he looked at me and laughed. I knwo I am in trouble when he gets older ha ha ha

  8. Wyatt (my 4 year old) and I are at Wal Mart and he has to potty. He's such a 'big boy' now that he insists on going by himself. I anxiously wait by the restrooms in the front of the store. FINALLY he emerges. I ask did you pee? He says no, I pooped. I said, oh... did you wipe? Yes. Did you wash your hands? Yes. So we leave with all our groceries.

    We begin walking past the line of registers and I hear... "mommy butt but itches." OK, OK... well, then, you didn't wipe very good. Come on. I'll get it at home.

    A little farther. Mom... it REALLY itches. OK, Wyatt come on. I have wipes in the car. I'll wipe you out there. We are now approaching the sliding doors, I get out the second set and turn around to see if Wyatt is following me only to see my son standing just outside the doors with his back to me, his pants around his knees and his cheeks spead with both hands.

    "MOM! BUT MY BUTT REALLY REALLY HURTS". I left my cart in the middle of the road and turned to grab my child in full afternoon sun and then turned back and grabbed the cart, the kid by the waist and ran to my car in record speed. I wiped his butt and no, he didn't do a good job. That's one lesson I learned the first time. ALWAYS MAKE SURE I WIPE HIM BEFORE WE LEAVE THE POTTY!

  9. My little girl is 4, we were laying in the bed the other night and she said "Mommy, why do drown up boys tall drown up dirls hot and hoddy?" (Her g's sound like d's and c's sound like t's) I was like, um first of all, where did you hear that? She said the tv and I was like, oh, well it just means they think they're pretty. So she says, oh, ok.....mommy, you a hoddy. I was like, aww thank you, you a hoddy too!!!

  10. Oh theres so many!!Heres one that just happen!My little girl 3 asked a lady in Wal mart if her baby was going to come out of her tummy soon!LOL She said you look like your going to pop!I was so embarrassed,but if was funny at the same time"seeing how I'm 38t weeks"

  11. Anytime my 2 year old starts to get in trouble he says "Shhhh Nolan's (his little brother) sleeping." I can't help but giggle  (not in front of him of course!)

  12. When I picked my son up from day care (he is 2.5), one of his little friends came up to me and bragged "We went to Disneyland and the Zoo."  I said, wow how fun.  My son piped up back to her "We went to the doctor."

  13. My husband used to tease my son by pretending to give him a cookie, and then eat it himself.  He would eventually give him one but this would go on a few times before he did, so then we were over at grandma and grandpa's house and grandpa wanted a cookie that my son had.  My son ran over like he was going to give it to him, stoped about 2 feet away and stuck it in his mouth and smiled.  It was so funny, we all cracked up.

  14. I know others out there might not share my sense of humor, but I think its hilarious.  My 12 month old loves to climb up on my lap, pull the top of my shirt towards him, and looks in and laughs hysterically.  He laughs hysterically every time I can't help but laugh at him.  I guess he's going to be a boob man.

  15. my second cousin is 4 now, but was about 2 at the time..... she found a blue sharpie and colored her entire body head to toe.... it was not funy at the time but is real funny now!!!

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