
What is the furthest away any man has been away from our planet and who was it

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What is the furthest away any man has been away from our planet and who was it




  1. That record is held by James A. Lovell, Jr, John L. Swigert and Fred W. Haise, Jr. in Apollo 13. Due to the accident Apollo 13 followed a return trajectory behind the moon that was much higher than that of any other Apollo flights, thus setting an all-time altitude record for human spaceflight.

  2. Actually slightly further than the moon.... if you take into account that the Apollo astronauts orbited the moon.

    So the furthest humans have travelled is the lunar distance from the Earth plus the height they were when they were orbiting over the dark side of the moon.  

  3. One of the Apollo missions (Apollo 8) orbited the moon, taking the astronauts on board just beyond the Moon. The astronauts were Mission Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot James Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders.

    All spaceflights travelling to other planets/deep space, etc, have been unmanned probes.

  4. it was just on the moon and the person is neil armstrong. that was no doubt. he was the first man to step on the moon with his left foot that stepped first!.. =]

  5. actually we have only got to the moon and that is neil armstrong but NASA is planning to travel to MARS!!!!!!!!

  6. That would be the Apollo astronauts.

    And orbiting the Moon would be the furthermost manned flight.

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