
What is the future of America.......?

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With black and hispanic populations increasing greater than other races in the US and with black and hispanic high school graduation rate at only about 50%

What can be done to change the culture of educational failure in the US?




  1. question 1: ruin

    question 2: nothing

  2. The Future of America:

    If we fail to get a hold of economy: We will be using $1 bills as ilet paper.

    If we fix and help our economy:  Smal businesses will be opening and framing their first $1 bill on the wall.  

  3. Screwed if Obama gets elected.

  4. Education

  5. You have asked a good question and from an Hispanic perspective I shall try to answer it!! The educational failure in the United Staes is geared towaerds Hispanic children from the start of their schooling!! Ther r separated in class, send word to their parents that their children need evaluation as they 'dont talk much ot talk too much, does not focus , gets into fights , etc etc, and their parents both or one working , give in to pressure from school to lABEL the children as 'retarded or slow , or just plain bad!! It is failing us , only a small percntage make it , and they r failing us on purpose!! They do not want us as part of the anglo-saxon stuff! They teach the blacks more and now better since the blacks have stood together to end their discrimination !! Something Hispanics have not done , as  we all have different feelings about 'who is better ' according to ones place of birth! If one is from puetorico the rest of the Sur americanos ,or dominicans or whatever they come from , think of Puertorico as a colony of the U.S.A. and thius the people do not deserve respect, if one is Cuban , on the other hand they are most welcomed as they r fleeing an eneymy of the U.S.A.!! From south america they talk of being the most best!! Mexithey cans are also in poor disrespect, now if ALL of us , would stick together , for respect , dignity and educational sameness for our children you would not be asking this question and I would not be telling this!! Is true!! I know from my own experience and had to put up a confrontational stand in order for my children to get the education  they  deserve as anyone else, and yes we pay school taxes!! I presume some will answer "go home" but the problem is , this is our home !! we speak English , have been born here , are involved in politics , the military{major} so wher are we going to go eh?? our parents family are no longer in our parents ot grandparents home country!! So now we have a right to educational teachings of high quality!! This is the only way we can secure a stable economy , patriotism  and self respect!! because where is the education failing others , not of Hispanic descent??

  6. you're wrong about the black population increasing. they dont have many babies.  

  7. Discipline and responsible fathers who remain with their family and set a good example is the first line of obstruction toward a gangster life of crime.  Making sure kids stay in school and free vocational schools for those who are interested in manual labor.  Alcohol, drugs and hard-to-find jobs are destroying the poorest class of our country.  Schools and teachers are blamed for disinterested parents and students.  Teachers cannot motivate a disinterested student, but they can and do fear for their own safety in some cases.  Adults MUST take back the authority over children and direct them toward success!  

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