
What is the future of the illegal immigrants if Obama or Mc Cain will win?

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What is the future of the illegal immigrants if Obama or Mc Cain will win?




  1. I don't honestly think much will change with either in charge since neither can bring about amnesty on his own. I think Obama would totally destroy the country though so McCain would be the lesser of 2 evils.

  2. Obama wants to give away much more than McCain, so McCain is my choice.  The lesser of two evils.

  3. Obama....fairness and regulations, re-evaluation, and caring. fairness, some regulations, and a complete lack of re-evaluations and caring.

  4. It is the same regardless of who wins -- amnesty, followed by citizenship. Both Obama and McCain want the Hispanic vote and this is what they will give to get it.

  5. I dont think theres gonna be reform in this issue from either candidate.I wish there was,but I just dont see it happening.

  6. McCain will try too hard to be some kind of Cowboy hero and concentrate too much on the issue, letting the economy slip away some more like his buddy Bush. The rich will keep getting richer, and the poor will hit rock bottom.

    Vote OBAMA!

  7. they will still come here and they will still take the job for less pay. that way conservatives can save some dough on lawn care and libs have someone to save. we're not happy unless where fighting some injustice.

  8. The American people will still want deportation, and thankfully congress will never allow amnesty. Their future is to either self-deport or we will do it for them.

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