
What is the game?

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What is the game?




  1. 'the game' usually refers to the hiphop industry or to gangs and drug industry.

  2. the game is an activity - or a hobby that a people like to do, the playstation has games that you play, some sports are game, or nitendo is game that you can play. we say a basketball game, or a footbal game

  3. We're not playing any game .

  4. mai hon game

  5. This is the dictory meaning of 'GAME'

    1. an amusement for children

    2. a competitive activity with rules

    3. a single period of play in such an activity

    4. (in some sports) the score needed to win

    5. a single contest in a series; match

    6. short for computer game

    7. style or ability in playing a game; Example: Swansea's game suddenly loosened

    8. an activity that seems to operate according to unwritten rules; Example: the political game of power

    9. an activity undertaken in a spirit of playfulness; Example: people who regard life as a game

    10. wild animals, birds, or fish, hunted for sport or food

    11. the flesh of such animals, used as food

    12. an object of pursuit; Example: fair game

    13. (Informal) a trick or scheme; Example: what's his game?

    14. games an event consisting of various sporting contests, usually in athletics; Example: Commonwealth Games

    15. on the game (Slang: chiefly Brit) working as a prostitute

    16. give the game away to reveal one's intentions or a secret

    17. play the game to behave fairly

    18. the game is up the scheme or trick has been found out and so cannot succeed

    < adj 19. (Informal) full of fighting spirit; plucky

    20. (Informal) prepared or willing; Example: I'm always game for a new sensation

    < vb (gaming, gamed) 21. to play games of chance for money; gamble

  6. you want to play a game!

  7. What game ya?
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