
What is the general Israeli sentiment toward Americans?

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Do most Israelis hold a favorable view of Americans in their country? For example; tourists, students, new immigrants. I know many countries aren't necessarily fans of Americans, but what is the general consensus of the local population in Israel?




  1. israelis look at you as great guys livig well that really want to live threre to (few people).

  2. Hi Trent,

    We have many American tourists, students and immigrants in Israel.

    I am Israeli and I do not think of Americans in general, but rather as individuals. Like all other people of the world, Americans come in a broad spectrum of personalities.  I cannot put all Americans in one category.

    I hope you see my point.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  3. israel is very westernised and therefore they adore the americans, the israel's are very friendly towards

    they engage in many businesses together as well.

    israel is americas number 1 fan

  4. They like Americans cause they helped them get Israel.

  5. They have nothing but contempt for us.

  6. They see it as a money bag.

  7. Appreciation?Gratitude?must be one of those,shouldn`t they?

  8. They view us as dumb.

  9. Israeli's love the US and a lot have the American dream.  Therefore, they love Americans!  The guys especially love American girls, since they watch american t.v. and think the girls are easy like on the OC or the Hills :-)

    Since Israel is such a hodge podge of cultures, they like learning all about new ones, especially all the differences between Americans from different parts of the country.

  10. suckers. after all we pay taxes to subsidize their living standard when we can't even pay our own credit card bills.

  11. I judge others based on their personal deeds. Period.

  12. I've been to Israel several times, once for a year.  The Israelis were mostly pretty friendly.

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