
What is the general consensus on Denny Hamlin? I'd like your opinion.

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I enjoy watching NASCAR, but I am new to the sport. Can some of you established fans out there help me out? So far, I have gathered the following:

1. Lots of people like Dale Jr. and the other HMS drivers.

2. Kyle Busch is a good driver, but he's kind of a worm!

3. Not many people like Kurt Busch.

4. People either love or hate Tony Stewart.

Your help is appreciated!




  1. He was a good driver who was humble and deserving of a ride. That was back in his early days. Since joining Cup he's acts too good for the fans, whines alot on race day, and just has an overall bad attitude towards the other drivers. This is just my opinion of course, but I remember seeing him climb up the ranks and he was good. DARN GOOD. But I guess it was the fame or the money but he is not the driver he was back at some of the good ol' tracks around Virginia.And if you notice his performance reflects his attitude....positive attitude...positive results. Whiny, negative attitude...negative results.

    Again this is just my opinion.

  2. denny has been racing since he was a kid. and he was awesome during his rookie year (NASCAR). with his good looks, he's very popular with the ladies. go denny go...go fedex!!!

  3. People generally like Denny Hamlin.  He's a h**l of a driver and he's still really young.  Also, in case you didn't know Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson are lovers.

  4. What "What" said.

  5. Denny Hamlin is pretty good, he gets pretty focused in his agression, but he comes off as kinda "dumb".  

  6. Being new to the sport and new to this forum, you need to know a few things.

    1-Dale Jr.'s the most popular driver in the real world and probably the most trashed on driver on here.

    2-Not everyone thinks Kyle Busch is a worm, he's my favorite driver, I don't think that.

    3-Kurt's gaining more and more respect as he's gotten older and matured, will probably never be a fan favorite, but he's definately not hated as much as he once was.


    Denny's all right by me. I like him.

  7. 1. Most people like Dale Jr cuz his dad because they feel sorry for him and think everybody should just move over and let him pass and that if he doesn't win a race everyone else is cheating or it's Tony Eurys fault. He was on a 76 race losing streak and that was somehow Teresa's fault. When he wrecks somebody hes just showing shades of his father, but when someone wrecks him they are the most wreckless driver on the planet and get beer cans thrown at them

    2. Most people don't like Kyle because they are Dale Jr fans and Kyle puts him to shame every week by kicking his @ss and the Jr fans get so hurt over it. Anyone who likes a very talented driver and wants to see what the future of the sport looks like will like him. He has a personality unlike some driver

    3. People are starting to like kurt busch but a lot of people didn't like kyle busch because of his brother

    4.Tony Stewart has a whole lot of talent and isn't a suck up to NASCAR like Dale Jr Jimmie Johnson and other corporate puppets (no offense to those fans). He tells it like it is

    Denny Hamlin is good and on the best team in NASCAR like Busch and Stewart and he will  probably win a championsip or 2 before his career is out.

    What do all these drivers have in common? They get under Jr fans skin by beating him,  and are on the most dominate team in NASCAR

  8. Well he's only the best driver ever to race in NASCAR!

    But seriously, he's got a tremendous amount of talent and unknown potential. He hasn't even reached his prime yet and he's been a championship-contender ever since he entered the Cup scene. Expect him to win a championship before his career is over.

  9. I like Denny Hamlin - he is the only JGR driver that I can stomach.

    Obviously, I dislike Stewart, I neither hate nor love HMS, and I actually don't dislike Kurt.

    I like RCR the best! ( ALL 3)

  10. OK, You are pretty "right-on" with you're first 4 observations. As for Hamlin, here's what I think: When he first came on the scene, I think everyone thought he was pretty cool and doing a good job for a rookie. But then you see he had to get full of himself, got into it with Stewart and dissed Brad K. (Dale Jr.'s driver)-Bad mistake. I think the quote was-"We don't roll like that" He didn't even know what he was talking about that day, just had to have something to say. Unfortunately, for him, he joined the ranks with his team-mate Bush. Now, he thinks he's just too cool, and really, I don't think he's all that. Just my opinion.

  11. you need to watch all the races, practice ,and qualifying and pick your own driver!

    what does our opinion have to do with who you want to pull for?

  12. Hamlin is a very talented driver, but I think stardom has gone to his head, the money and fame can mess with anyone, once he realizes that he is lucky to be where he is he will win more races, Carl Edwards is a driver who still appreciates where he is at and feels honored to be driving in the cup series.

  13. Welcome to "OUR NASCAR"

    1 post a question some time asking what it is about one of the drivers at HMS that you like. You will get very shallow answers, those are your 'band wagoners' I will be up front, I am not a fan of HMS, but I do have a lot of respect for them. Two of their drivers can make that bus ride to school very, very regret full.

    2. Kyle Busch has much talent. He came up threw the program at HMS, and learned a great deal from the talent that is provided over there. He maybe a pompous, but he makes it to Winners circle often.

    3. I don't have any beef with older brother Kurt, you will see him and his younger brother team up, and work together threw out the season. Not so much now, ever since the All Star Race in '07

    4. The people who hate and bash Tony are more then likely fans and follower of the HMS crews. They know he can and will be a major force to recon with.

    I like Denny Hamiln. He was the first driver I backed in NASCAR. As I kept watching, I started liking Kyle, (even though he was at HMS) I liked his stile, his arrogance, and his willingness to pop off with his mouth. He reminded me of Dale Waltrip (D-W for short)  

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