
What is the general effect of humans on the environment?

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Please CITE some references (authors of the books, complete website, etc.) if you have any!!! Thank you!!!! May God bless you!!




  1. In general we change things.  We have altered global biogeochemical cycles (CO2 in the atmosphere, Nitrogen deposition and runnoff from agriculture, water cycle alterations), changed habitat structure (urban sprawl and agriculture, fragmentation, invasive species introduction), and changed the ocean (fisheries are collapsing, algal blooms).  The earth has become a human dominated system.

  2. Generally, it is bad.  There are so many humans that our consumption has dramatically altered the environment.  There are vast areas on most continents that are managed thru agriculture and raising animals for food.  There are vast areas that have been changed ecologically and geologically thru timber cutting, mining, dams, road building, building houses and cities, redistributing water, etc.  Life in the oceans is being harvested faster than species can reproduce.  Pollution is occurring in the air, water, and soil.  Humans have created new chemical substances that never existed before.

    Resources:  read the newspaper, read magazines, watch tv new programs, study history, study ecology, study oceanography, biology, botany, and on and on.  The evidence is everywhere.

    God bless us everyone (but what does god think about what we are doing to the rest of his creations here on earth?  Does he bless us for that??

  3. The existence of modern humans basically guarantees that the global environment will change and continue to do so.

    Keep in mind that this change in the environment can be considered "good" or "bad", and that this change is propelled through the uniquely human theories of "civilization" and civilization's many mechanisms:  Industry, Commerce, Trade, Monetary Systems, and Expansive Communication;  Thus all of these mechanisms have adverse effects on the global environment.

    I hope this paragraph may provide some insight

  4. al of the claims about global effects are false. It has not been proven (and there is no consensus) that our emissions are warming the dlimate. The evidence and science is against it.

    We are not depleting the ozone layer either - observations have disproved that. (The hole over the antarctic is due to seasonal climatic phenomena there, and was discovered in the 1950s, before CFC's were in wide use.)

    Forests are not being depleted, since forestries are replanted. Nor is this causing extinction of species. Claims such as Japan is hunting whales to extinction are fraudulent.

    The motivation behind environmentalism and sustainable development are political, and nothing to do with facts or preserving the envoronment.

    I can't cover all of the environmentalist's lies here, but it would certainly make interesting reading for you to research it yourself. There are many books on the subject and websites and articles on the internet.

    Of course there is local pollution from cars, factories etc. But it is mainly the claims of global effects which support the political aims of environmentalism. Even whre there is local pollution, the effects are often exaggerated by environmentalists to justify a protest or demonstration against some useful project or private property rights.

    However, there are genuine dangers to the envoronment and our health - you can't dismiss everything as envoronmentalist alarmism. I's just that they use real or fabricated threats for political aims.

  5. I just finished reading "The World Without Us" which is a non-fiction book examining the question, "What would happen if humans suddenly just disappeared?"  It looked at how the environment would change back to its pre-human state.  According to the author, one of the first things to go would be NY City's subway system, because it is so dependent upon people manning the pumps to keep it dry that it would probably flood within the first week causing streets to collapse, etc.  He said that within a hundred years, Manhattan would be a forest filled with deer and wolves, and migrating birds would rebound nicely.

    You may find this book to be helpful!

  6. They have almost  manged to make it work them, but not w/o some serious side effects.  
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