
What is the general opinion on giving a child 2 middle names?

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What is the general opinion on giving a child 2 middle names?




  1. well i would say its fine but then again its totally up to you

  2. Most people wouldn't even know anyway.  Nobody uses middle names in life..they are more for sentiment anyway.

  3. It gives the child a very high-society sounding name.

  4. well not to many people do that and i guess it'll be kinda odd but if you want your kids name to be lik super long do whatever you want...

  5. I think it is perfectly fine.

    Unless the baby will have a hyphenated last name (i.e. Smith-Jones)

    That would just be over kill.

  6. I don't really like it, but it's really important to some people. Family or a cultural tradition in some place, I think there are religious reasons in some places, too. I think it looks pretentious and creates problems when filling out records/forms.

  7. so what's the problem?

      I have 2 middle names, as do my 3 sisters!  The youngest sister  got 3 middle names so to honor the relatives my parents wanted to honor.

    I never signed my whole name to ANYTHING, even my marriage license.  I only used the first middle name.  My sister uses her second middle name as her first name now.  No problem at all.

    In fact, I've used my nickname (Peggy) in place of my birth certificate name (Marguetite) on my SS#, my driver's licence, our house deed, but not on my life insurance policy nor my marriage license.

    You choose and stick with the name you want as an adult! All they(the legal places) want is that you are consistant.

  8. i think its ok as long as the middle names arent something like fishin chips.  

  9. i think it is quite unnecessary ... and it will b a great hassle for the child later on.  filling out applications and so forth with 3 names is not so easy.  but that is just my opinion

  10. Not for me.  I want my kids with a short and simple name.

  11. i think its fine as long as you dont call them that all the time, and if you want to give them two names its your choice, go ahead!!  

  12. two middle names are fine... as long as the two in the middle go along together in a way. i have two names for a middle name. its Leigh Ann

  13. too long signature when adult, luckily i was able to change my name without anyone being offenced ...would been hard if it had mathered much to parents as i hated having a very long name having to sign to everything

    i'm in favor of 3 names max as tumb rule

    double forename and last name

    forname midle and last name

    forname and  double last name

  14. I think it makes the name too long.  But, if it's something you like, then go for it.

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