
What is the general view of being g*y in Poland today?

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What is the general view of being g*y in Poland today?




  1. Depends. In largest cities it's not that bad, there are some g*y communities, g*y bars etc., however being g*y is maybe tolerated, but definitely not widely accepted.

    In smaller towns and villages people rather perceive g**s as "perverts" and being g*y there is not accepted.

    In terms of general attitude, it is not very good but getting better. There are g*y associations which organize "tolerance parades" and fight for human rights for g**s. however, there are some politicians who are apparently homophobic, among them current President of Poland and his brother, former Prime Minister.

  2. Pretty bad. Excuse me for saying so, but many Polish people are racist against g**s, or at least, the people I know are. Oh and by the way, I am Polish, but I don't look down upon g*y people.

  3. Not very good. Poland has always been deeply religious and conservative on social issues, but ever since the collapse of communism it has gotten really bad.  g*y bashing isn't just tolerated by the authorities, it is sometimes encouraged by some politcians.

  4. Well, where I grew up (Poland) people weren't against g**s. There was actually a protest about a month ago saying how g**s need freedom in the capital (Warszawa).

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