
What is the goal of telling someone they're ugly on here?

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I asked if I was warm toned or cool toned with a picture on here, and one person said I wasn't that good looking, many said I was ugly, and one even said my avatar looks way better than I do! I am extremely sensitive so I was sobbing my eyes out for ten minutes straight. Is this what people want? Is this what young girls are doing today? Putting people who have young-looking (I'm 13 and my face looks like I'm 10 or 11) faces down, or people with slightly different and unique features? I am seriously considering losing all hope that we'll ever have world peace! Who else agrees with me?

And I don't need any more comments about my pictures, if you read my previous questions. I'm feeling ugly enough as it is.




  1. Whoever gave those remarks to you when you asked that question, have serious challenges of their own.  don`t you realize that those who try and insult and tear down other people, usually have very low self esteem themselves.  There are many people like that in their teens.  There always has been. Bullies, spiteful and mean people get their jollies from bullying others, BECAUSE they do not feel good about themselves.  They feel stronger when they tear into another person, and they try to take what strength you have.  When my children were growing up as teens, there was much of the same people around.  The interesting thing is, that now you can find those same bullies, not being successful in their own lives as grownups.  Their feelings about themselves go with them as they get older and it causes a lot of problems for them.  I do not know what you look like, but I will tell you this.  You have a better attitude than those that were rude to you. You cried, which means you are a sensitive and kind person.  If you have unique features, how lucky can you get.  I bet you anything that the people making those remarks have something about their looks that they just hate.  Get strength in yourself. Know that you are unique and be proud of it.   Make the best of what you have.  Make sure your hair is in the right style. Make sure you have a smile on your face and a sparkle in your eyes (which only comes with a happy personality).  Others will be drawn to you because the energy surrounding you will be happy and positive.  What do you think the energy around the negative people will be like.  Sometimes you can walk into a room and feel good, because the energy is good and sometimes you feel something is not right.  The only way we will obtain peace in this world, is if people like you remain positive and reach out with love and acceptance to others, not the opposite like the mean ones.  You can help this world get better, by being a better person yourself.  Always try and be the best that you can be and you will have a happy, successful life.

    Peace and love,.

    A grandmother

    EDIE -I do not agree with you.  YOU may come onto to Answers for other reasons, but I come on here to try and help others by using things I have learned in my lifetime.  I can only hope that I DO help others, just like the girl who asked this question. I know for a fact that some racists, for example ARE racists in their every day lives, and some prejudiced people are so in their every day lives.  If one can give hope and love to somebody in answers, THAT is what I feel is what I should be doing. I am 77 years of age and have learned much in my lifetime. Bullies and mean people, are not just that way on Answers, they are like that in real life.  I, and many hundreds of others would never think of insulting, degrading or hurting someone on Answers. because we are not like that in our everyday lives.So you see there are some of us who do sit at our keyboard and think -  ÃƒÂŒ hope I can make this person feel better about themselves.

    I usually close my answer to a question with - Peace and love -   I mean exactly that.  Peace and love.

  2. you have to be tough and love your self and everything else will fall into place

  3. Sweetie, Please don't cry......I have not seen your picture, nor do I need to see it to know you are a beautiful person .....I can tell by your words, and by the feelings pouring out from your heart that you are a very caring person......Don't listen to the negative comments of others, they will only make you sad and serve no purpose whatsoever...Be someone who is positive and uplifting to others and you will find that you will always have many many friends......Never be hard on yourself, because you are always learning and growing along the way...learn from your mistakes, and move are so young and have your whole life ahead of you...You are going to be just great...!!!!!  (((HUGS)))   Linda

  4. They hurt you to feel better about themselves.  Usually they don't even mean it or they can just be jealous of you.

  5. Wasn't there anyone in your family who could have answered whether your were warm or cool toned?  Or someone who knows about that kind of stuff like someone at a cosmetic counter at at Macy's etc... I mean why ask a question like that in this forum?  You set yourself up for people to be judgmental.  Who cares what they think anyway?  People that criticize others are usually not that happy with themselves, don't you know that?  

  6. you have no reason to listen to insecure people that have nothing better to do with their time then insult some one they do not know. on the flip side you are showing that you are rather insecure your self. just let it go. it is much more healthy for you.

  7. Yes, there are a lot of mean people on here. But it's the Internet. Just like you come here to ask things that you would not ask in real life, people come here to say things that they wouldn't necessarily say to their coworkers or peers. So in a way, it's what they truly think, without any sugarcoating. But if you take their insults personally, it's your problem. People don't sit at their computers typing in Yahoo Answers thinking, "Ooh, I hope this makes this or that person feel better," or "I hope I sounded nice." So don't be angry or sad that a few people insulted you. You'll find a bunch of jerks in the real world, and if you can't handle a couple of typed words.... One thing I can say for sure is, you won't find world peace on this website.

  8. This person is jus a jerk and was trying to act smart, dont listen to them

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