
What is the goddess which features orb-like objects upon her body?

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Persian, Greek, or Roman Goddess-I can't think of her name! Please help! Thanks.




  1. Most of those statues are of Cybele, the Great Mother

    Goddess of Anatolia (Turkey). There have been a number

    of bad guesses at what the orbs are... b*****s, bulls

    testicles, etc. however the question was resolved a while

    ago. The orbs are jewelry.

    They found a set of actual amber orbs that were once

    hung on one of the staues, so we now know they were


    Sometimes the statues you are referring to are called

    "Artemis of Ephesus", or "Diana of Ephesus".

    That's because the temple of Ephesus, which was

    originally dedicated to Cybele, was later re-dedicated

    to Artemis/Diana... She was intended to be a sort of

    hunter and warrior  Goddess version of the Great Mother


    Many Blessings,


  2. Most Goddesses have b*****s.

  3. There is a statue call the Diana of Ephesus, I believe this is what you may be referring to, but if I remember there was one that held a serpent in each hand with many orbs, and was more famous....I thought her name was Semele but I could be wrong, about this one, sorry!

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