
What is the going rate for a house cleaner?

by  |  earlier

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I think this person might be a pack rat




  1. About $20 an hour is the going rate in the bay area.

  2. i think it varies with the sizes and the amount of cleaning you want done here we have what is called crysal clean an dthey charge i believe its like 100 for the room and if you want he house done not including dishes its like 10.00 hr

  3. $15-$25 an hour depending on who you get.  I have found where I live the ones who speak fluent english usually charge $25 and those who hardly speak it at all are $15.

  4. My family is paying $70 for a woman to come in once a week. 3 bedroom house, 2 stories (she doesn't bother with the basement). 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen with eating area, and family room. Vacuum, dusts, picks up, cleans bathrooms, kitchen floor/appliances, changes sheets and any other odd jobs she comes across. The woman we had before her charged about the same price as well. She usually spends about 3 1/2 hours so about 20$/hr seems right.

  5. In my area it is $15 an hour

  6. Windex is about 3.19 I think

  7. Alot has to depend on how professional they are, There are alot of girls just doing cleaning under the table and their prices will be lower, but You get what you pay for. We live in Utah and for an awesome cleaning company with insurance etc is about 25 an hour per person.  Be careful of the girls just doing it under the table or just starting out, I was burned by one that didn't quite know the products they were using and ruined my surface.  Because they were just starting out they were unable to afford to fix it.  Not every chemical is safe on every surface. I found that out the hard way.


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