
What is the going rate for a live out au pair in germany?

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I am trying to figure out what the hourly going rate is (in Euro) for a live out au pair in Germany. I have a college degree and childcare experience.





  1. as,i know, Au pair in Germany ,must live in,has opportunity to go to school (German language),and receive money not more than 400 euros/month.

  2. I'm not sure I understand the question. If you're talking about being paid by the hour and "live out", I assume you are talking about babysitting rather than staying with a family and helping with whatever needs to be done? If that is your question, then I'd say that you'd probably be looking at 7 to 12 euros per hour for babysitting. That's something between 12 and 19 dollars, depending on where you'll be (a place where there are loads od baby sitters available or where they are scarce).

  3. OK - I think I need to re-phrase my question!  I am an America and will be working for an American family in Germany.  I will be watching their kids about 3 days a week and want to know what i would charge them hourly (in Euros).  Just trying to get an idea of how much people would pay for that type of position.  I wil be commiting to the family for one year and will be doing light housework, dinner prep, etc. when the baby is sleeping.  

    Thanks for the help!!

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