
What is the going rate for a weekly allowance for a 10 year old?

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I think that it is time my daughter starts earning an allowance. I just don't know what is a good amount for a 10 yr old. Also, any suggestions on chores would be great!!! Thanks




  1. In my house it was half the age.

    5$ is decent, but in this day and age maybe 7-8$ is better.

  2. $10 a week. I would have her keep her room clean, vaccuuming is always a good one or sweeping, washing and/or folding clothes and putting them away.

  3. I think $10 a week is fair.  Everything I've read stresses that you should make them put some aside to save and some aside to give away (church, salvation army, SPCA whatever)  I wish my parents had done that with me I'm a terrible saver and am paying for it now.

  4. My son is 12 and he gets 10.00 per week for completeing his chore list each day. Chores in our home are:

    Take out trash

    Feed pets

    Keep room clean and vacuumed

    load Dishwasher

    Put dirty clothes in laundry room

    I could have added much more, however he also plays sports and we consider school and homework more important right now.

  5. N/A That what it is and has been in my house!

    Or you could go with a roof and food!

  6. 5$ a week..thats what I still get and im 13

  7. $10/week. Increase as they get older. Don't give her a list of chores, just have her expect to do whatever you ask her to do.

  8. i agree with the first. although at around 15 i would say maybe 50 a week if possible.

  9. I realize that I'm in the minority here but I have to go with Syd on this one.  I firmly believe that it's a mistake to pay children to do chores, which is basically what an allowance is.  They should do chores without any monetary gain since they live in the house too.  It's partly their responsibility to make sure that the house stays clean, the yard is kept nice, etc.  By the time they're old enough to really need spending money, they can get a part-time job to earn it as long as their grades are good.

    The way to reward children for helping around the house is to spend time with them or take them out to do something special.  They'll appreciate that much more in the long-run than a fistful of cash.

    Just my humble two cents.

  10. i would say 10 bucks a week.

  11. make is 20 dolars a month sound reasnable thats what i give to my 12 year old girl

  12. Depends on your income and what you can afford.

    What will she be doing?  Are you going to pay her per chore or per week no matter what she's assigned?

    Will she have the same responsibilities every week?

    Dishes, vacumning, dusting, feeding pets, take out trash, make bed, keep room clean, bathroom detail, laundry, anything you do, she can do essentially.  If she does a chore not so well (doesn't put forth the effort or does a half-**** job), she gets money taken off her weekly allowance.

    I really had to work for my money.

    I'd say 50 cents a chore, depending how many chores you want her to do.  Will it be daily?

    Things to decide.  Good luck!

  13. idk, i got 10 dollars a week!  My mom made me make the beds, clean up after the pets, wash the windows once a month, and help her with whatever she needed help with (she was not excessive)

  14. Only give allowance if she does chores.  At 10...she can do most of the things you can do.

  15. We have always done $1 for each year they are.  So I would say $10.

  16. I think $5 would be plenty.

  17. 10-15 dollars

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