
What is the going rate for babysitting?

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What is the going rate for babysitting?




  1. It really depends on how many kids are being wacthed but I would say between 8 and 12 an hour

  2. My daughter makes 10-12 per hour

  3. $6 an hour and after midnight $7

    this is per kid

  4. £4 an hour, and £5 after midnight. ask for more and they will not have you again, i have learned from experience.

  5. I charge about £6 an hour - more after midnight

  6. it really depends on the neighborhood!

    i've heard about 2-3 bucks a kid per hour

    also talk with your sitter-see what they charge or what they think is accectable

    the more responsibility/ the harder their job is, the more they should be paid

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