
What is the going rate for child care in a home?

by  |  earlier

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I want to start watching kids in my home, but i really dont what what to charge. I would like to bet the big daycares but not lose money. I thought I could get some numbers together, but then the kids are different ages, and different times... so dont really know what to charge. HELP please! What do you think is a good price to charge for keeping a child in my home?




  1. I charge $150.00 per week for full-time care. I also provide all meals, snacks, and drinks. I recently started a food co-op within my daycare and if parents participate (bring in at least 2 items from a list I provide), then they get $15.00 off their weekly rate. Good luck!

  2. It really depends on where you live.  When I started, I called all the day cares in the area and asked them how much they charged for a baby and how much they charged for a 3 year old.  I then made my rates lower then theirs and just guessed at numbers for in between those ages.  

    I live in Idaho and charge:  Hourly between $4.25 and $3.00 (baby - 5 year old), Full Time between $550 and $390 a month (make sure you let them know how many hours they can come per day) and half time between $320 and $225 a month.  These are all per child, but I give sibling discounts of $1 per hour; $100 a month full time, $50 a month half time (per child after the first).  Good Luck.

  3. i was a nanny for 9 years and at one point did watch kids in my home. i charged an hourly rate because of being taken advantage of in the past. i charged 8.50hr and added an additional 3-5 dollars hr per additional child depending upon age. also, just make sure you check the laws in your area regarding childcare in your home. you can only have a certain number of kids in your home before you have to be certified. you don't want dps knocking at your door. another thing that is a must is to have a contract that you have each family review and both parents sign. trust me that you will definately want this just in case. good luck!

  4. hello i am a nursery nurse but living in ireland  and i the country . the going rate for avarage mum to mind kids seems to be between 7 and ten euro and hour take home,

    Wishing you luck thinking of doing same my self.

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