
What is the going rate per pound for recycled soda cans?

by  |  earlier

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i am doing a project and trying to raise funds thru aluminum can recycling . want to know what price i should expect for the cans




  1. i read that they were going for 85 cents a pound!

  2. Well, we recycle all of our aluminum cans, and we get about eight bucks for twelve trash bags full of cans...  I don't consider that to be very high, but I do know that it is different for just about everywhere.

    I suggest first finding out where you need to go to recycle your cans, then either going there and asking them or calling them.

  3. Our local Recycling yard is paying $.85/lb, we are in TN

  4. Here in Visalia, CA we're getting between $1.55/pound to 1.75/pound.

  5. Reduced from 60c to 55c/pound last week in southern Washington.

  6. here in indiana it is 68 cents a pound

  7. it depends on where you live, but here in porterville, ca cans go for 1.55lb

  8. i know you get 40 cents per pound in herington for cans...... i also know that some places will give you more per pound for 100 pounds or more, i'm just not sure of which locations do that any more, has been a while since i've had that much to cash in........ did you know that if you save the tabs from your cans they can be used to help different agencies treat children and cancer patients?

  9. Wish there was a simple answer to this. Say a national uniform recycling deposit act!!!

    The link below shows what states have deposits and how much they are. Most seem to go with $0.05, but Michigan is $0.10.

    Most of the other states go by a per-pound rate that seems to be around $0.67 on average.

    Be warned though -- don't try to drive a few thousand cans and bottles up to Michigan to get the deposit rate (as in the "Seinfeld" episode). Bottles being returned are now scanned to see if they came from the state. You could possible be fined for trying to "sneak" out off state bottles / cans in.

  10. as for the michigan price....... my friend and i just got back from there and they actually pay an additional fee per can when purchasing. that way they are a lot more likely to recycle. that's why they are paid more than other states.

  11. In Calhoun Kentucky at Phillips Auto Salvage they are paying 50 cents per pound. If I remember correctly it takes 24 cans to make a pound.

  12. well i work at a scrap metal purchasing center in cortland and we pay about 40 cents per pound.

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