
What is the good age to start taking folic acid tablets?

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What is the good age to start taking folic acid tablets?




  1. We just talked about this in my Intro to family nursing class, and its been all over health articles.  Folic acid prevents birth defects during pregnancy which is why its recommended.  They then recommended that women who are planning to get pregnant take folic acid while trying.  Now they've discovered that all women of childbaring age should take folic acid supplements which you can find in most vitamins made for women, even in chewable flinstone vitamins.  

    So from what I've read and studied on this subject I would say any age after menstruation.  Either way, it wouldn't hurt.

  2. Taking a folate/iron supplement is recommended for any young woman who's begun menstruating. A lot of multivitamin pills contain these nutrients, but you'll want to check the ingredient label to make sure. Or, simply find a "pre-natal" vitamin. Even if you never plan on having a baby, this is still a great way to be safe.

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