
What is the good order to put balls in a billiards triangle?

by Guest61457  |  earlier

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What is the good order to put balls in a billiards triangle?




  1. In our league, it does not matter how the balls go into the triangle, as long as the eight is in the centre.  Usually a solid is placed first, then alternated with stripes, to ensure the least probability of sinking more than one of the same colour.  When striking a rack, try to hit between the first a second ball in the triangle, it is the best way to get movement on the eight.

  2. Billiards only uses 3 balls, and doesn't use a triangle.

    snooker uses all reds so that is easy.

    pool games have the possition of different coloured balls laid out in the rules.

  3. R= red Y= yellow B= black;


        Y Y

       R B R

      Y R Y Y

    R Y R Y R

    or if they are numbered

    put the ones <8 (1 to 7) instead of the reds (R) and the ones bigger then 8 in the yellow's place. The * will replace the Black (B).



           (9) (10)

          (2) (8) (3)

       (11) (4) (12) (13)

      (5) (14) (6) (15) (7)

  4. Not sure if the colored ones matter as long as the 8 ball is in the center of them all.

  5. as long as the balls are solid, stripe, solid, strip and the 8 ball in the middle then it does not matter.

  6. Why do you call it a billiards triangle?

    The game of billiards consists of three balls.

    1 white / 1 white with a black spot / 1 red.

    And no triangle is used.

  7. Here comes a Best Answer:

    In most bars, you put the 1 ball (yellow solid) in front. After that, they should alternate between solids and stripes except the ball right in the center should be the 8 ball. This creates the least probability that the 8 ball will be hit in on the break and ensures the same probability that a solid or stripe will fall. If the 8 does fall on the break, the shooter wins.

    Before the break, the ball closest to the cue ball ("the top of the triangle") is the 1.  Then at the "lower" two corners of the triangle you need one side to be a stripe and one side to be a solid.  That way two solids won't go right in on the break (I was told).

  8. First row: 1 in the front,

    Second row: 2 to the left, 3 to the right,

    Third row: 5 to the left, 9 in the center, 4 to the right,

    Fourth row: 6 to the left, 7 to the right,

    Fifth row, 8 in the back

  9. I've played for doesn't matter what order just as long as the balls on the outside go like"solid-stripe-solid-stripe" and the "8" is in the middle.

    but I do it a "good looking way"   its like this top ball is 1 ball (yellow) next ball is 9 yellow stripe then left of the "8" ball is the 2 and below that is the 10 ball (blue stripe) Then the three ball and so on and so on all around ( counter clock wise ) around the outside!!!!!!

    good luck and shoot straight!

  10. 1,

                    9,   2,

                   10,  8 , 3,

                 11 , 4 , 12,  5,

               13,  6,  14,  7,  15

  11. Start with the #1 at the top, and then alternate stripe, solid, stripe, etc. all around the outside. Then in the middle you can put the two remaining (one stripe, one solid) however you want. Then, of course, the eight ball is in the middle of the third row.

  12. In most bars at least, you put the 1 ball (yellow solid) in front.  After that, they should alternate between solids and stripes except the ball right in the center should be the 8 ball.  This creates the least probability that the 8 ball will be hit in on the break and ensures the same probability that a solid or stripe will fall.

  13. very important question!!!

    i am glad someone asked...My answer is:

    Be most careful with ur balls, wash them, dry them, mess with them but NEVER put them in a billiards triangle because it will prove to be extremely painfull (especially when the game starts).

    Good luck with ur balls!!

  14. well back when pool was first made and named as a game they used to color coordinate the balls 8 in the middle always..then it goes in color.. your gonna go around to the right in order start with the 1 at the top and go as followed..1,9,2,10,3,11,4,12,5,13,6,14,7... ball in the middle now look at your rack ..its color to color..and is numbered in order 1234567...9 10 11 12 13 14 15.....i hope i helped

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