
What is the government doing to help the economy?

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If they're doing anything....

And is there any chance that the economy will bounce back with the election of the new president?

Also... what are your views on gas prices? Will they go up forever, or come back down?




  1. As far as I can see, they are doing everything they can, which is nothing. They all are very good about doing nothing to help people, just them selves. Gas is never going to come down, if anything , it will continue to go up untill the oil boys make a trillon dollars a month.

  2. The US Government is trying to destroy the US economy, they are NOT trying to improve it.

  3. Writing checks to all of the citizens. I mean, that makes sense, right? Whenever my credit card maxes out, I just keep swipin' it.

  4. The government is causing it all . Their out to rip off the people . None not a one of the politician crooks will do any thing for the people except steal the food from your mouth . What's that Eastwood movie Hang them High ?


  6. Candy has a point.  Remember the Fed Reserve has been keeping interest rates low; consequently the dollar is depreciating.  The money supply is growing, and inflation hits.  It takes more dollars to buy that oil.  However, with low interest rates, home loans become cheaper.  Despite the fact that oil as a commodity is high, the fed tries to stimulate the economy through cheaper loans.  Even though housing is 6% of the the total GDP; its psychological effect is vital to a healthy economy.  Theres dichotomy.  Do you want cheaper imported goods and services (high interest rates) or more expensive foreign capital (low interest rates) and cheaper loans?

  7. They can't help the economy.  God foretold the collapse of the USA and Britain.  We are only seeing a small amount of damage to our economy.

  8. I think the best thing the govt can do would be to leave it alone.  The market is much better and fixing itself.

  9. They are waiting for November when they can actually get helpful legislation past the president.  Our current president, it should be fairly obvious to even the republicans by now, is idiot.  Their is no point in sending legislation to the hill sponsored by a democrat because he will veto it, period.  The only legislation he wants to see is his legislation.  Both of the legislative branches are majority democrat and they control the legislation.....Bush hold trump as the majority isn't big enough to override a veto.  What we have is a stalemate.  NOTHING is going to happen until after the election, NOTHING.

    Gas prices will go down when we stop using OIL, not one minute before then.  It is a FINITE resource that will someday run out, and we have to develop alternative power sources and end our dependence on oil.  If we didn't need oil from the middle east, exactly how much would we need to be their right now with our military?  The middle east would be irrelevent were it not for the fact that they control the bulk of the oil reservoirs in the world.  Our addiction to oil gives them strength and power over us.  Drilling more oil and increasing our dependence on oil will only worsen the situation, not improve it.

  10. First, let me ask you, "Why do you think the Government should help people who foolishly don't know how to handle their affairs?" Most of our current economic problems are due to the mortgage fiasco because people did not stop to think that buying a house with an Adjustable Rate Mortgage is NOT a good idea, or buying a house with no down payment, paying no monthly interest [meaning you will always owe the same amount], etc., etc., people buying JUNK from China instead of allowing Americans to buy from their neighbors; people allowing ILLEGALS to work and take away jobs, get welfare, free medical care AND send more than $40,000,000,000 annually back home; the speculators on wall street; states like Wyoming, a major producer worldwide of coal, gas, oil, wind, solar energy BEING FORCED TO PAY MORE FOR ENERGY than states like California; etc.

    Will the price of gasoline continue to soar? Probably, in the long run. For one thing ACTUAL inflation rates currently are running at more than 10%, some things more than 20%. For two things, both India and China, after benefiting from the U.S. NAFTA and other self-injurious economic policies are now able to afford more cars. Estimates are that China, in only 20 years, will have more cars on the road than WHAT THE ENTIRE WORLD currently has. More demand, higher prices. And, Americans  LIKE TO WASTE; one neighbor makes 5 - 6 trips to town a day, at about 15 - 20 miles round trip. Others run around on ATV's, golf carts, snowmobiles, etc. just burning up gasoline.

    As to whether the economy bounces back, it depends upon the American People.  Neither the Government nor Big Business own anything; rather, everything is owned by individuals. It is a matter of both Big Business and the Government TAKING things from people; still, individuals are the BIGGEST part of the economy. If people want, they can turn the economy around. It really is that simple.

  11. The government is owned by the very people who manipulate the economy.

  12. The BUSH family are oil money invested....

    He has been in for 8 years...amd really f***** stuff up...they have made a lot of money during our BAD times....

    Gonna take at least anothet 8 years to make things right.....PLUS..

    we are dealing with excelerated prices on gas and food etc..

    They got us by the balls..SAD!!


  14. nothing

  15. Look around you...what do you see that they're doing............As far as gas prices until GWB is gone they will continue to rise.

  16. Bush has to get out of office before we will see any changes at all....and then its gonna be hard, but Im trying to be positive, because this is very scary times for our economy, and all of us, as citizens..

    Bush has made himself, and his family a very nice and CUSHY future...he owns alot of the Oil in Iraq and all over the world.   He is behind all of this.  

    I feel for the next president, they have a TOUGH job to do, We need to support whoever gets into office, even if we dont like we can maybe get our country back on track.

    Right now the legislation is trying to pass things to help the economy, but Bush Vetos everything...He dont care, as long as he and his wife, and daughters have $$$, he dont care about the country. I believe that!

    Or he would be trying to do something.....

    Some day I think gas will go back down, but its gonna take alot of hard work, and a good team in congress, that will work together....

  17. If Obama wins, the economy may not recover, but the media will implant a feeling that the economy is recovering into the minds of Americans.

    Gas prices are at $4/gallon for good.

    Can you think of a reason why they would come down?

    Especially after America has shown a willingness to pay $4.

    Right now, America imports 12,000,000 barrels of oil A DAY.

    That's $1,500,000,000 cash leaving the US every single day, for something that gets used once, burned up, and is gone forever.

    Frankly, I think it's going to take a federal government mandate that all gas stations refit their pumps to sell natural gas, E85, diesel, and gasoline, before we see any real progress.

  18. Nothing good at all!! After the election I feel sorry for who ever wins because they are in for one bad trip economically and otherwise. Gas prices will not go down. Look at the prices around the world. The increases here mimic the rate of increases everywhere.

  19. According to recent news releases, the Holiday Gas Tax break that McCain and even Clinton had proposed, was shot down by the Dems.  Then, 1 week later, the Dems proposed a TAX INCREASE of between 5% and 10%, or up to 40 cents a gallon more over the next 3 years. The Repubs shot that down, at least for now.    That tells me someone in Washington believes oil prices will not go back down, but continue up slowly.     Seems the Dems are "waiting" with joyous anticipation for Obama to win and God help us, if he does.  Obamas already shown me he has no qualms about spending taxpayer money on "pet projects" and will rubber stamp every piece of tax increase from that loser Congress.

  20. there is not much the government can do to help the economy. we are a capitalistic society...not a communistic one. the economy can only help itself...unless a communist regime decides to take over the country.

    i choose to hope that the economy will bounce back. the real-estate market has made somewhat of a let's hope.

    gas prices will never go back down. ever. people will always need gas and be willing to pay any price for me. there will always be a market for it...unless someone decides to not sell their non-gasoline powered engines to the gas companies. the gasoline companies are hiding mountains of is pretty crazy...

  21. Not very much. The stimulus checks will probably help the economy a little bit, but when everyone spends their stimulus checks, we'll be back to square one. The economy won't be really helped until everyone of the Republicans are voted out of office. Until such time, there won't be much help coming from the government.

  22. I am amazed at the ignorance of the American citizens. The truly don't understand economics or the purpose of our government.

    First off Bush is NOT invested in oil, he divested himself before he ran for office. It is the law and has been since the Standard Oil days. Cheney also divested himself and donates 70% of his income to charity.

    Second, it is not the job of government to "run" the economy in a free country. Most any law or regulation that is passed by Congress can only impede economic growth. Congress should get out of the way.

    Third, it is not such much that gas has gone up, it is that the dollar has gone down. It's called inflation and it's out of control. Inflation is the fault of the Federal Reserve and the non stop printing of dollars. The only way to rid ourselves of never ending inflation is get rid of the Fed. They are not authorized by the Constitution to control our currency, Congress is supposed to coin our money interest free. There is no reason to pay interest on paper printed by the Fed when government can do it for only the cost of ink and paper.

    We the people need to stop depending on government for our every whim and take responsibility for our actions and behaviors.

    Right now I do not see any reason for the dollar to gain in any meaningful value. Interest rates are too low, bank are collapsing and the public is in debt as never before. I see things getting much worse before they get better. I believe the dollar may even crash. If that happens oil will skyrocket and the price of everything will go through the roof. Then deflation will follow and a new currency will be introduced.

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