
What is the government doing to protect wetlands?

by  |  earlier

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I'm writing a paper on evironmental protection and picked wetland preservation as a topic. I was wondering if you guys could give me some answers on this topic.




  1. One program allows developers to buy wetland credits to offset the damage done when a project destroys existing wetlands.  This is not a spoof of Al Gore's carbon credits, this is a real program where companies or organizations restore or create wetlands and then sell the credits they earn to developers planning or executing projects in existing wetlands.

  2. Do you have any idea what a government is for???

    It's not their job to protect wetlands, it is your job if you feel the need to do so.

    Now say like, wetlands are an important economical factor in your state.

    The local governmemt (your State) can pass laws to help keep it safe for this reason.

    Here are some scam site if you wish to know more.

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