
What is the greatest ever Grand Final Moment?

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In your view, what is the greatest ever Grand Final Moment since 1950 and why?




  1. Last year's Swans win really went down in the history books.

  2. What sport? Aussie Rules or Rugby League?

  3. If we are talking NRL, it has to be the Knights win in 1997 with the last minute victory over Manly. What a finish.

  4. if this is an AFL question then i will have to say the 1992 Grand final cause west coast won the premiership

  5. Nathan Blacklocks try in the 1999 grand final comes to mind

    in recent years, it was a beauty for a makeshift fullback.

    To bad SAINTS lost.Being a SAINTS supporter i cant resist saying 55 to 65, 11 in a row, does it get any better.

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