
What is the greatest quote you have ever heard?

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Mine is a dylan quote he once said "If a man wake up in the morning and goes to sleep at night and inbetween does what he wants to do That man is a sucess.

Also i think Ben Harper once said "music goes straight to the hearts and minds of all people beyond colour, class, religion any status its the last remaining voice of the human spirit"




  1. Man, the next words outta your lips better be some serious Mark Twain c**p coz its

    deffinatly beging chisled on your tombstone.

    -Otis Driftwood form The Devils Rejects

  2. The Queen To Winston Churchill - If I were your wife, I would lace your tea with poison.

    Winston Churchill To The Queen - Ma'am if I were your husband, then I would deserve it.

  3. "What greater love hath no man than this, that he should lay down his hamburger for a friend."

  4. 'there is nothing wrong with defeat' - Nelson Mandella's chiropodist

  5. Mine's just amusing, but it does define my life in a way. I'm paraphrasing......".I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member."-------Groucho Marx

  6. the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

  7. i quite like "If you do what you've always done, You'll get what you've always got"

    Change is good!

  8. The strong man is mightiest alone.

  9. What's got two thumbs and doesn't give a c**p.

    (point your thumbs at your chest)

    and say


  10. "No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change."

                        -Barbara de Angelis

  11. Some meaningful ones to me......... :)

    1)Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day.

    Teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime.

    2)We come to love not by finding a perfect person,

    but by  learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    3)Success is a ladder, not an escalator.

    4)Do to others what you want others to do to you.

    5)Overcome evil with good.

  12. Its best to act with confidence no matter how little right you have to it

  13. "It's nice to be Important but Important to be nice" :))

  14. I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats.

  15. mine is not to reason why, mine is but to do or die!

  16. I have a few:

    Life is a big canvas, throw all the paint on it you can.

    You were born an original. Don't die a copy

    If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in q***r to work:  "Hello.  Can't work today, still q***r."

  17. A healthy death is a worthy goal for a terminal patient - Bandman & Bandman 1984

  18. Today is history. Tomorrow is a mystery!

  19. A great web site with tons of useful quotations

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