
What is the greatest secret in the world?

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What do you think it the greatest secret in the world that is not known to everyone?




  1. What a great question. I think the greatest secret of all time is why are we here?

  2. Wouldn't you like to know.

  3. That it is all just an illusion...

  4. How would one know ?

    If one knew it, why would one tell it as then it would not be a secret?

  5. The meaning of life? I don't think anyone know what that is.

  6. that you control your own life and future

  7. Okay, my secret is ....... I can fly! Shhhhhhhhhh... don't tell anyone!

  8. it wont be a secret if i tell you

  9. Uhhhh....i dont know what to say...

  10. We really aren't alive, we are all ghosts.

  11. There are no secrets.  Only things not known.

  12. Maybe one of these:


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  13. that the ainu [the indigenous japanese] long before anyone else described earth as a 'floating ball',while the rest of the world still thought it flat/

  14. The time when Jesus will come for the second time ! (Revelation)

  15. John,

    I really love what Amy said. I would add to that the greatest secret is knowing why you're here and then discovering how you going to fulfill it.

    A few years back, a friend of mine sent me this awesome book. It was crazy at first. This book wasn't like any I'd ever owned or read. In fact, the title was, I thought, some kind of made up word. It is called Powerfirmations.

    The CRAZIEST THING was, it has my name throughout the book. It is one of those books that are like a daily devotional/empowerment like book.

    It has all of these things that you've always wished people in your life would say to you. I mean really self empowering stuff. Telling me how amazing I am type stuff.

    I cut and pasted the website name if you're interested.

    I started discovering who I am and why I'm here. That, to me, is the greatest secret in the world.

    All the best,


  16. that you yourself are the writer of your life-story and no one else can change it or influence it but you. - i heard this from a ten year old at my school....(he's a real wise guy)

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