
What is the greatest thing, GOOD or BAD that you have witnessed in your life?

by  |  earlier

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For me it was probably remembering 9/11 or something as historical as that, and in no way atall am i saying it was great in a good way (before i start getting threats) i mean historically relevant. But i want to hear all of your spectacular sights!




  1. Something that's good is me witnessing someone give life to

    another person. They were giving the gift of life back to another person that would otherwise not have it.

  2. I work in a er at a trauma center so I see to many bad things.

  3. I would say the greatest thing I could see, yet haven't seen yet with my eye sight is, one person who has a great life and has everything going for them, risk it all to save a person who has nothing to lose.

    That is the definition of a ransom, it's like when Jesus Christ let the executioners beat him even though he could stop them in there tracks, to be later sacrificed for all of us, a corrupt and undeserving people.

    That is truly re-markable, the person doesn't have to die for it to be a great thing, they can both live, its the fact that they risked it that is fanominal.

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