
What is the greek goddess Athena's Weakness?

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  1. this does not answer my question

  2. help i dont know icant find it anywhere

  3. her weakness it vanity look in the story of the three goddesses and the golden apple!!!!!!!

  4. Possibly that she is Zeus's daughter and must defer to him. Think of their conversations in the Iliad and the Odyssey -- she must ask his permission to go into battle against the Trojans or to aid Odysseus. And when he banishes her off the battlefield - she must retire to the sidelines at Olympus. So - it may not be a weakness per se but it is an area where she does not reign supreme - Zeus's opinion will always top hers. Also the fact she is a virgin goddess - she never experiences physical love or the intense emotional ties between lovers - is this a weakness? You decide.

  5. she really does not have a weakness

  6. her weakness is thAT SHE IS HOT TEMPERed

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