
What is the guy suppost to pay for in a traditional wedding?

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The rehersal dinner and what else?




  1. Spelling lessons.... you can look it up at Emily Post.  Or just google wedding etiquette

  2. The brides flowers and the booze, the honeymoon, the brides rings. That was years ago, now the couple pay for everything, split it three ways, or the brides family pays for everything.

  3. everything the guy always pays for everything.  

  4. The rings. in a traditional wedding the bride's father is supposed to pay for most of the wedding i think.

  5. The traditional groom pays for the marriage license and the fee for the clergyman. He is solely responsible for all aspects of planning the honeymoon including paying for it, and he pays to feed, clothe and house the bride for the rest of her life.

    Naturally, he pays for his own wedding clothes: that goes without saying. If he wants the groomsmen to wear matching ties or gloves, he provides those and pays for them (traditional groomsmen already own their own identically-conservative evening dress or morning dress, so they just wear the ones they already have, but the matching gloves and ties are special). If his groomsmen come from out-of-town, he hosts them in his home, or if he doesn't have his own establishment, he arranges and pays for their lodging.

    As a gentleman, he always sends flowers to a lady whom he is escorting; so of course he provides the brides bouquet: HE (not the bride) chooses the flowers from among her favourite flowers, orders it from the florist, pays for it and has it sent to her house. Normally, a man who sends flowers to more than one lady on the same day is considered a cad, but on this one occasion a wise groom also sends flowers to his mother (to console her for the fact that she will no longer be the number-one lady in his life) and to his bride's mother (to ingratiate himself).

    He does NOT give the rehearsal dinner, because a dinner for a mixed party of men and ladies requires a hostess, and he doesn't have a wife yet to act in that capacity. It is given by his mother or failing that, by his grandmother, aunt, or more distant female relative.

    He does NOT provide anything at the wedding dinner, either. Hospitality always includes food AND drink, and the wedding dinner being put on by the bride's family includes the alcohol's being paid for by the bride's father. The confusion may arise from the fact that in formal entertaining, the lady is always responsible for the meat and other food, but the gentleman is responsible for the drink. In this case, that means the bride's mother chooses the menu with the caterer, and the bride's father orders the wines from the wine steward.

    You did say "traditional", right?  

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