
What is the half back supposed to do in rugby? Are they allowed to tackle.. or what?

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Yeah... I just played a game today (as halfback) but I wasn't really sure what I was not supposed to do and such... like, am I allowed to tackle (alot?) and run with the ball? All I'm doing right now is passing (my coach told me too probably 'cause he thinks I'll die cause I'm small). By the way this is GIRLS rugby. Thank y'all!




  1. In rugby everyone is allowed to do everything everyone else can do (at least in open play, there are rules at Scrum and Line out). Anyone can tackle, pass, run and kick.

    The half back's main job is to link between the tackle area and the backs (centres and wingers). To make sure that he (or she) is not too predictable in passing it straight out they should try and run through the gaps every now and then, or kick it over the defence.

    When the opposition have the ball the half backs join the defensive line and are VERY important tacklers. It is not uncommon for the half backs to make as many tackles in a game as the big forwards.

  2. I play girls rugby too (:

    You're allowed to do anything everyone else does including tackling and running with the ball.

    But you're supposed to do extra things like focus on getting the ball out of rucks and scrums etc.

    If you're not sure, ask you're coach. And if you're still not sure, ask to be moved to another position.

    Hope i helped (: xx

  3. You play the game how you want to. As your first respondent said your primary aim is to get the ball out, if you see a gap, take it. As far as tackling goes, size does NOT matter. Hit 'em hard, hit 'em low or wherever. Some great defenders have been small halfbacks.  (I was a male first grade breakaway at 45 kilos)

    One last word - play and enjoy yourself.

  4. halfbacks are normally first receivers from a "play the ball" and generally have a good kicking game

  5. How'd your game go? Have fun?

    Well with Halfbacks, it's your job to clear the ball from Scrum, rucks and mauls. Mainly, like the 1st 5/8 controlling the backs the halfback controls his or her forwards. You lead the direction and when you think its time to lets your backs loose then you give it to your 1st or 2nd 5/8.

    You have to be a leader but considerate at the same time. If it looks like your forwards are getting tired kick it over the top from your ruck or pass it to the backs. Just watch for slow and tired forwards on the other team...then sure have a run. Plus when you break the line it feels awesome lol just make sure to find support.

  6. The half back is the connection between the forwards and backline. passing is your main role and feeding the scrum.  Yes, you do need to tackle and you need to be right behind the forwards during any mauls and rucks.  It may pay to learn how to kick so that you can relieve the pressure a bit.  But make sure your passing to the backline is good, fast, and accurate

  7. it not how big or small you are its how well you play and yes  halfback are allowed to tackle as halfback you just like pick up the slack   my school tame only had 15 so on game day we only had 13 so we dint have a halfback

  8. You can do whatever anyone else does but your main job is getting the ball out of rucks/mauls ect and feeding to either your backs or runners. But if there is a gap for you have a go. No difference in a halfbacks job between boys and girls rugby.

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